Vegan Artbook

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Vegan Artbook
I'm no politician, but I don't think the meat industry is the root of all hunger problems...
Book Type: Comic Series
Genre: Propaganda
Author(s): Priya "Yerdian" Cynthia Krishna

Vegan Artbook is aa webcomic created by Priya "Yerdian" Cynthia Kishna. As the title says, it is all about veganism as well as animal rights, the environment, peace, and ethics. She also runs an animal sanctuary called the Pupa Sanctuary named after her late rabbit.

She also has spinoff series called Pupa Vegan and Vegventures.

Why It Sucks

  1. They always make vegans win in the end, even if the "carnists" and omnivores have a good point.
  2. The non-vegans are portrayed as demonic characters.
  3. It gives veganism and their followers a bad reputation.
  4. It contains imagery that's on par in violence and disturbing, if not worse than the PETA browser games.
  5. Hypocrisy: In many comics, they say there should be no harm to any life, but in one comic, the vegan has no problem downright murdering the meat eater.
  6. Some of the “facts” are twisted. In one strip which is NSFW, so it won't be posted here, it depicts three photos as being slaughtered animals for the 2010s food industry, even though they're different. The first one shows a malformed fetus, the second shows a halal killing, and the third is a photo from the 80s that depicts a different slaughtering method than the ones used today. These twisted facts are so common, there's even a whole page dedicated to them on TV Tropes!

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. The art style is good, though it may or may not be traced.


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