Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 & 2 (Total Drama World Tour)

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Walk Like an Egyptian
Series: Total Drama
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: 1 & 2 (Season)
53 & 54 (Overall)
Air Date: Canada: June 10, 2010 (Part 1)
September 9, 2010 (Part 2)
June 21, 2010 (Part 1)
June 28, 2010 (Part 2)
Writer: Shelly Scarrow (Part 1)
Alex Ganetakos (Part 2)
Director: Keith Oliver
Chad Hicks
Previous episode: Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special (Total Drama Action)
Next episode: Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan

"Walk Like an Egyptian" is the 1st & 2nd episode of Total Drama World Tour.


Part 1: Chris announced that the 18 teens going around the world while singing a song when a musical number comes in. The contestants have to climb over or under the pyramid to get to the finish.

Part 2: The 3 teams travel across the desert & into the Nile.

Why It Truly Walks Like an Egyptian

Part 1

  1. The idea of a competition show traveling around the world is very original, and it would later happen in The Ridonculous Race.
  2. Cody, Ezekiel, Noah, and Tyler return to the competition after they didn't compete in Action.
    • It also brought two newcomers: Alejandro and Sierra.
  3. The song aspect is pretty interesting.
    • The song "Come Fly with Us" is a great way to start the musical material, and there are some funny quotes:
      • "Come fly with us, come die with us!" - Noah.
      • "Do you know how to steer this thing?!" - Heather
        • "I try." - Chef Hatchet
      • "Gwen, sing it; don't go!" - Cody.
      • "THIS SUUUUUUCCCKKS!" - Duncan.
        • "Yeah!" - Everyone
  4. The pyramid challenge is pretty entertaining.
  5. The three-team twist is or was unexpected considering the fact there were 18 contestants involved, with 6 members in each team.
    • Not only were there 3 teams, but Chris allows the contestants to choose their team's names: Team Victory (consists of Ezekiel, Harold, Bridgette, Leshawna, Lindsay, and DJ), Team Amazon (consists of Izzy (later Sierra), Heather, Courtney, Gwen, and Cody), and Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot (consists of Alejandro, Sierra (later Izzy), Noah, Owen, and Tyler).

Part 2

  1. The songs "Lovin' Time" & "Rowin' Time" are really catchy.
    • The closing for "Rowin' Time" with Team Amazon is satisfying.
  2. The challenge is also pretty interesting, traveling across the Sahara Desert & crossing the Nile River.
  3. Chris was nice enough to let Izzy and Sierra swap teams to be with their respective love interests, Owen and Cody.
  4. The moment where Duncan & Ezekiel get kicked off the plane can be satisfying.

Bad Qualities

Part 1

  1. Chris can be unlikable in some moments where he whacks Owen with a frying pan for not facing his fear & threatening the contestants to sing or they're disqualified.
    • Worse, he forgot about the rule in later episodes.
  2. The scene where DJ breaks a mummified dog which was the running gag of the season.
  3. Duncan is also unlikable in this episode as Courtney and Gwen are bragging about trying to untie the rope and thus temporarily quitting the competition for good

Part 2

  1. Some mean-spirited moments:
    • Chris can be unlikable in the start of the episode as to where he let his intern being eaten by the scarabs.
  2. Plot hole: Harold breaks the stick when his team is lost in the desert, but when his team was in the Nile, it was perfectly fine.
    • Speaking of which, Ezekiel lost the stick his team was supposed to hold on to, which cost them the challenge. Because of how he was the first contestant eliminated for the second time, this may sadden those who are actually fans of Ezekiel.


  • Part 2 is the first episode in the series whereas to no parts of the episode are located in Canada.


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