Way Back Wendel (Total DramaRama)

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Way Back Wendell
Bahaha! Courtney likes sexism!
Series: Total DramaRama
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 31
Air Date: October 29, 2020 (US)
Previous episode: Dude Where's Macau
Next episode: Stingin' in the Rain

Way Back Wendel is the 31st episode of Season 2 of Total DramaRama.


Courtney must deliberately lose a challenge or let the entire world go back in time. It's a really hard choice for her.

Why It Should Go Way Back

  1. First of all, this episode literally promotes sexism and misandry, especially with the "challenge" scenes, the same problem also happens in another episode called "The Gold and the Stickerful".
  2. It also treats many old works from decades ranging from the 1930s to the 1950s in a terrible way like they are like Nazis.
  3. Some of the challenges are way unrealistic, with the pudding eating and the "Operation" challenges being the worst offenders.
  4. The infamous scene where Wendel finds himself in the future.
  5. Courtney is very unlikeable in this episode, as she beats the rest of the children during her challenges.
  6. The part where Courtney gets a potbelly and Duncan vomits were uncomfortable to watch.
  7. The sexist remarks Wendel mentions during the challenges are very gross to hear.

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. The Oliver Twist reference on this episode was funny.


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