Where's Shelly? (The Eggs)

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Where's Shelly? (The Eggs)
She left because of this mediocre episode.
Series: The Eggs
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 7
Writer: Don Arioli
Katherine Sandford
Previous episode: The Dangerous Driver
Next episode: There's Shelly

"Where's Shelly?" is the 7th episode of The Eggs.


The crew (except for Yolky) put on a performance to make the passengers stop revolting. Meanwhile, Yolky tries sounds to fix Min, but it goes out of control and ends up with them going to the Backalley Planet. When they’re done with their performance, the crew can’t seem to find the spaceship.

Missing Qualities

  1. The episode seems to include a lot of filler, especially with the performance scenes.
  2. Bizarre and weird designs of the passengers.
  3. Yolky calls Benedict a “fathead” in the beginning of this episode, which is mean-spirited.
  4. Min is out of character in this episode.
    • The distorted sounds Min makes are weird and creepy at best, especially the laugh.
    • Speaking of the laugh, it’s heavily disturbing to hear.
  5. Sometimes, there’s literally several seconds of silence heard in this episode.

Found Qualities

  1. The second part of the half-hour episode, "There's Shelly", is pretty decent.
  2. The song at the end is pretty catchy.