Yes, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Did Make Me Feel Uncomfortable

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Really, now? You've just straight-up called Dracula a "rapist" just for this scene?! Good going, Bailey.

Yes, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Did Make Me Feel Uncomfortable is an article written by Kat Bailey on USGamer, published on January 13, 2014.

In the article, Bailey has played Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 before it was released to the public a month later. She was invited to watch a scene in which a weakened Dracula is more or less forced to feed on a captured family by his associate, Zobek, in order to regain his strength. During this scene, Dracula kills the father by tearing open the latter's neck instead of feeding on him (which, honestly, is pretty stupid), then grabs the mother and drinks her blood. It's also implied that he kills the daughter as well, though this only occurs off-screen.

Bailey has decided that this scene of a vampire being a vampire was somehow "a deliberate allusion to rape", and wrote a long, rambling article about why this was in some way a reasonable perspective to have, with highlights including her comparing the first-person perspective to the cover art of RapeLay. She went on to purposefully misrepresent the game's producer, Dave Cox, by re-framing his words as if he was "bragging" about the scene "being about rape" to strengthen her argument. Bailey had stated that the scene made her feel uncomfortable and Cox, thinking he was in the presence of a normal human being, replied that this was the idea the development team wanted.

Of course, the father getting his neck slashed wasn't an issue for her.