You're Not Miss Martin! (Caillou)

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You're Not Miss Martin! (Caillou)
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Finally, we have a good Caillou episode and a good finale as well.
Part of Season: 5
Episode Number: 26c
Air Date: October 3, 2010
Previous episode: Soccer Trouble
Next episode: Caillou at the Market (Caillou's New Adventures)

You're Not Miss Martin! is episode 26c of Season 5, and the final episode of Season 5, and the series finale overall.


Caillou isn't too happy when Miss Martin is away and his preschool class has a substitute teacher - Mrs. Shelley. She does everything differently and isn't familiar with the usual routines. When Caillou tries to see things from Mrs. Shelley's perspective, he decides to give her another chance...only to realize how wonderful Mrs. Shelley really is...even if she isn't Miss Martin.

Why It Proves Caillou REALLY Grows Some More

  1. Like the other Season 4 and 5 episodes (and some late-Season 3 episodes), Caillou doesn't whine or throw any tantrums, so he's not nearly as annoying as before.
    • Addition to that, Caillou surprisingly doesn't act like a Gary Stu in this episode.
  2. Unlike most of the rest of the series, this episode actually teaches the viewers! They teach two things about a substitute teacher, similar to Lisa's Substitute from The Simpsons.
    • A substitute teacher can be good, even if they are not like your own teacher.
    • Substitute teachers do become unfamiliar with names. Which is true because it's their first time seeing you. Addition to that, you can help your substitute help you with memorizing names.
  3. Caillou is at his absolute best in this episode as he surprisingly does smart things here. He knows that he and his class has music after recess. He also knows how to open the music cupboard. He even knows that Mrs. Shelley gets some things wrong, mainly due to the fact that she is a substitute teacher.
  4. Mrs. Shelley is actually a good example of a substitute teacher for viewers, as she doesn't remember Caillou's name well and calls him "Kyle", she then understood Caillou's real name better.
  5. The ending was pretty decent.
  6. Regardless of how bad Caillou was as a show, this was actually a good way to end an otherwise horrible TV series. (or in this case, an ok series for this season)

Bad Qualities

  1. When Caillou was called "Kyle", everyone started laughing at him, which is kind of like teasing.
  2. As usual for seasons 4-present, along with the CGI reboot, the animation is still horrendous, though the plot was good for a Caillou episode.


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