A Dump in the Dark

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A Dump in the Dark
No thanks, I'd rather dump on this game.
Protagonist(s): Johnny
Genre(s): "Horror"
Platform(s): Microsoft Windows
January 12, 2017
Developer(s): Oubliette
Publisher(s): Oubliette

A Dump in the Dark is an early access PC game developed by Oubliette and released on Steam on January 12, 2017.

Why Its Literally a Dump Indeed

  1. Extremely stupid and disgusting concept for a horror game. The game is about hell that breaks loose in a toilet. You control a pair of buttocks and shoot your own feces. Now read that again.
  2. Horrible framerate.
  3. You can barely see a thing due to the dark lighting. This makes traversing through the game a pain, especially the first level.
  4. Horrible sound mixing with the dialogues being particularly quiet which, in turn, leads to you being unable to hear plot exposition or important directions for levels.
  5. Extremely boring gameplay.
    • Most chapters offer the bare minimum of interactivity where you do nothing but move the camera while a scene plays out entirely without your input.
    • Levels that do have actual gameplay tend to have dreadfully dull objectives like spending several minutes feeding a baby.
    • The levels that pit you against enemies have extremely slow and tedious combat mechanics, largely due to how poorly the game runs.
  6. Poor controls.
  7. Awful soundtrack.
  8. Several glitches such as levels going on forever and not ending when they're supposed to. Most often the game will freeze and continue endlessly when you're supposed to be dead.
  9. Multiple pointless intro scenes that tell you nothing about the game before the story gets underway.
  10. It takes too many hits to kill an enemy, to the point you honestly wonder if you're even doing damage.
  11. No strategy in the combat sections since you have unlimited feces.
  12. The entire fourth chapter is a cutscene disguised as gameplay. In other words, the level is an interactive movie!
  13. False advertising: The game's Greenlight trailer implied a psychedelic survival horror game fighting demons and other monsters set entirely within an outhouse. While the last level of chapter 6 follows this format, the rest of the levels have absolutely nothing to do with the trailer.
  14. The game's story is ridiculously scattershot and unfocused. Several levels focus on the protagonist Johnny('s buttocks) and his family encountering completely unexplained demonic forces, but the game keeps taking huge detours and dedicating entire chapters to telling the story of Gribbles, which are sentient animals farmed for food that have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the rest of the game's plot. That's not even getting into several scenes that have nothing to do with anything, like an entire stage dedicated to showing a burnt corpse being led into a sewer where people defecate on it until its eyes glow; all of which is never explained or mentioned again.
    • Furthermore, the first chapter has nothing to do with the rest of the game.
  15. Several completely gratuitous scenes that serve no purpose but to try and gross out and disturb the player. Major examples include the aforementioned burnt corpse sequence, a pregnant woman squeezing out her children down a toilet, and a Gribble slowly dying in stomach acid.
  16. The game is still in Early Access and it's clear the developer has no idea what the game is supposed to be. Two chapters that were added after the game's initial release have absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the game, either in terms of gameplay or what passes for plot.


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