A Little Learning (Super Mario World)

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A Little Learning
More like Oogtar needs a little learning.
Series: Super Mario World: The Animated Series
Part of Season: 1
Writer: Martha Moran
Director: John Grusd
Previous episode: The Yoshi Shuffle
Next episode: Mama Luigi

"A Little Learning" is the twelfth episode from the Super Mario World TV series. It is the penultimate episode of Super Mario World series and is overall the 90th/penultimate episode of the Super Mario Bros. cartoon series.


Princess Toadstool starts a school with Yoshi and Oogtar, and Hip & Hop (over King Koopa's objections) as her first students. The kids become sworn enemies and their desire for revenge culminates in a disastrous science fair that threatens to blow up the entire Dinosaur World.

Why This Episode Needs a Little Learning

  1. It's a very cruel Hip & Hop torture episode as they get mistreated and bullied by Oogtar and even Yoshi for no reason.
  2. Oogtar is extremely unlikeable and at his absolute worst here as he plays a prank on Hip & Hop which gets them in trouble.
    • King Koopa is also at his worst as he prevents Hip & Hop from going to school and even caused the lava in Hip & Hop's project to go haywire.
  3. The whole episode unfairly treats Hip & Hop like bad guys. While it's understandable that they are King Koopa's kids, in this episode, they've been doing nothing wrong in this episode as all they wanted was to go to school.
  4. This is one of the very few episodes in which Mario and Luigi, the main characters, mind you, are unlikable as both they and even the rest of the Cave People act like Hip & Hop can't be trusted for going to school.
  5. Plot holes:
    • Why is Oogtar bullying Hip & Hop?
    • Why doesn't Hip and/or Hop tell Princess Toadstool that it was Oogtar that gave them gum?
  6. Some really annoying/infuriating moments, such as the scene were Oogtar copies Princess Toadstool while the latter yells at Hip & Hop for "having gum".
  7. The infamous scene where Princess Toadstool unfairly expels Hip & Hop, even though it was clearly King Koopa's fault.
  8. Very cruel ending: Mario and Luigi clean up the lava and now divest to King Koopa's Coney Island Disco Palace, resulting in King Koopa having to stand on his bed when his room starts to fill up with lava and now yelling out Hip & Hop for help. Yes, King Koopa deserved it, but that's majorly extreme.
  9. Extremely wasted potential: The idea and premise of an episode were one of the Koopa Kids go to school was a great idea of an episode; considering that Oogtar and Yoshi were also at school, the episode could have made some interesting writing, like Hip & Hop seeing what kind of activities that the other kids are doing and even include some heartwarming moments, like Hip & Hop befriending someone at school; instead, it's literally nothing more than a Hip & Hop torture episode.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Hip & Hop are both likeable, despite being villains.
  2. Oogtar got some well deserve comprehend were Hip & Hop throw fireballs at them and even gets Oogtar yelled at by Princess Toadstool while they mock Oogtar.
  3. This episode includes one of the funniest lines to be said by Yoshi: "FIREBALLS YUM!!!"


"A Little Learning" received a negative feedback by fans and critics alike due to Hip & Hop unfairly mistreated for no reason, Oogtar cruelly bullying Hip & Hop for no reason and no one standing up for them, it's often considered as one of the worst episodes in The New Super Mario World, and along with "Oh Brother" from The Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3, is often considered as one of the worst episode in the entire Super Mario Bros. cartoon series.

Despite this, it currently has a rating of 7.6/10 on IMDb.


  • This episode is known for being Oogtar and the cave peoples' last appearance in The New Super Mario World.
  • This episode is Princess Toadstool last specking lines in the Super Mario Bros. cartoon series.
  • This episode is the introduction to Yoshi's Fireballs meme.


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