A Sash and a Rash (The Fairly OddParents)

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A Sash and a Rash
When you get a rash, the simple solution is to be a slacker.
Series: The Fairly OddParents
Part of Season: 10
Episode Number: Season: 8
Overall: 265
Air Date: May 6, 2016 (Latin America)
September 12, 2016 (United States)
Writer: Ellen Byron
Bob Colleary
Ray DeLaurentis
Lissa Kapstrom
Director: Sherie Pollack
Sarah Johnson (storyboarder)
Previous episode: Return of the L.O.S.E.R.S.
Next episode: Fish Out of Water

"A Sash and a Rash" is the eighth episode in Season 10 and the 265th overall episode of The Fairly OddParents.


After earning a Sash of Honor from the Mayor of Dimmsdale, Chloe gets a rash which she thinks her stress caused, so she wishes to change into a slacker. But without Chloe, everything in Dimmsdale begins to go out of control, so Timmy must find a way to get her back to normal.

Why It's A Rash

  1. This episode completely contradicts the events of this season's premiere episode, "The Big Fairy Share Scare". In that episode, Chloe's reason for needing fairies was because she drove people away when she occasionally screwed up, but here, everything is set back to status quo where it is revealed that Chloe is getting a Sash of Honor from the Mayor because of how great she is. She's even presented on a first-name basis with every person in Dimmsdale.
    • As with most cases in Season 10, this episode crosses into the cliché Mary Sue trope territory. As an example, if Chloe isn't being perfect, then Dimmsdale falls into chaos.
  2. Timmy, as with his newfound selfishness in these new seasons, convinces Chloe to slack off instead of helping her get her rash cured.
    • On that topic, why didn't Chloe just wish for her rash cured, or why didn't Cosmo and Wanda just poof away said rash? Her problem would have easily been solved right then and there.
  3. The title card of Cosmo having a gigantic puffy rash is quite gross to look at, even if it's still well-animated as usual as with most title-cards in The Fairly OddParents. The scenes with Cosmo, Chloe, and Timmy's rashes in the second half of the episode are also quite gross to look at as well.
    • Cosmo at one point mentions that his allergy to peaches is the reason for his rashes, but in the Season 9 episode "Love at First Bark", Cosmo has no problem with peaches.
  4. The scene where Mr. Crocker turns into the Hunchback of Dimmsdale is very disturbing, and to make things worse, it all happened because Chloe's not going back to school. If anything, it only makes Chloe look more like a Mary Sue.
  5. Like with some episodes in Season 10, the animations takes a small but noticeable nosedive.
    • The animation of the catnado (as well as anyone who gets sucked into it) is so poor that it resembles an animated gif file being dragged across the screen in most scenes.
    • When Cosmo and Wanda get sucked into the catnado, they suddenly flip horizontally when they change direction.
  6. As always with Seasons 9 and 10, Mr. Turner and Mr. Crocker are only in this episode for humor's sake.
    • Mr. Turner, in particular, buys a Russian submarine and constantly mispronounces the Russian word "Opasnost". Really?
      • Speaking of humor, all the jokes in this episode are still repetitive and unfunny. These jokes range from Timmy blowing an air horn whenever Chloe begins to panic, Cosmo translating Chloe's grunts, and Crocker being attacked by hyenas.
  7. An idiotic and out-of-nowhere plot twist where it is revealed that Chloe's rash is from the sash (as mentioned in WIAR#1) which is covered in fleas from Chompy the Goat.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The ending can be funny for some people.
  2. Cosmo and Wanda might be the most tolerable characters in this episode.
  3. At least the next episode, "Fish Out of Water", is better than this episode, since it actually had better writing.



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