A Very Special Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls, 1998)

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"A Very Special Blossom"

This episode is special... just for stealing expensive items.
Series: The Powerpuff Girls
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: Overall: 37
Season: 13 (7a)
Air Date: November 26, 1999
Writer: John McIntyre
Amy Keating Rogers
Director: Randy Myers
Craig McCracken
Previous episode: Los Dos Mojos
Next episode: Daylight Savings

A Very Special Blossom is the 13th episode of season 2 and the 37th episode overall of The Powerpuff Girls.


Professor Utonium wants a super expensive golf clubs, but he does not have enough money to buy it. Blossom, however, steals the golf clubs without noticing, causing Bubbles and Buttercup to berate her for not telling the truth.

Why It's Not Special

  1. Misleading Title: This episode has nothing to do with something special, but rather Blossom stealing the golf clubs without noticing everyone. However, very special episodes focus on controversies in many sitcom shows, so this makes sense to be part of.
  2. This is also a very cruel Blossom torture episode.
  3. Blossom is out-of-character in this episode and the way she did is terrible:
    • Blossom flat out steals golf clubs to give to her dad for Father’s Day. She even lied that she just found the clubs, making her sisters very concerned.
      • Because of Blossom’s actions, the Professor gets arrested, so she tries to pin the blame onto Mojo, when he actually didn’t do it and was just celebrating Father’s Day like the girls, so the blame would be taken off of her.
    • Blossom even tried to deny the truth, and that lead to her fighting with the girls for a brief moment.
    • After Blossom presented the golf clubs to Professor Utonium, he didn’t even ask her how she got them. He was just too filled with happiness to care, and didn’t even bother to eat the breakfast Bubbles and Buttercup made him.
  4. Bubbles and Buttercup, while likable, didn’t try to defend or stand up for Blossom when the lead cop arrests Blossom. They also unnecessarily pin down their sister to catch her.
    • They also berate Blossom for "stealing" the golf clubs. This is especially out of character for Bubbles because she's usually the nice one as she would often disagree with Buttercup and is often willing to help Blossom out when she needs to. But sadly, in this episode, she just immediately sides with Buttercup.
      • Granted, Bubbles is also out of character in Bubblevicious, but the way she did there does this well.
    • Even the Professor tells Blossom the truth before the girls start fighting each other, proving that he, Bubbles, and Buttercup side on Blossom to confess of what she has done before.
  5. Professor Utonium is also stupid in this episode, as he cares about the golf clubs instead of the girls, which he would have done as seen by confessing the truth.
  6. The Lead Cop is a horrible and unlikable one-time character/antagonist, he as cruelly arrests Professor Utonium without letting the latter say anything, and even does this to Blossom after she apologized.
    • The Lead Cop faces no comeuppance and/or punishments for his actions.
  7. The Day is Saved gag when the Narrator says that only two of the girls saved the day, Bubbles and Buttercup fly away disappointed in Blossom, and the jail cage locks her away. Blossom’s upset look is just sad to look at.
  8. Missed Opportunity: The criminals from Powerpuff Bluff would have appear in this episode so that the girls can beat them. If successful, the Mayor would give them 2000 Dollars.
  9. Bad ending: After Blossom confesses to stealing the golf clubs, and the Professor understands and apologizes to her for putting pressure on her, instead of the Lead Cop giving Blossom another chance, he says "But the law is the law!" and arrests Blossom. She is now sentenced to 200 hours of community service, which is cruel for a five-year-old.
  10. Bad Morals:
    • Stealing and lying are not good things, tell the truth and buy first using real money instead.
    • Materialism is also not important, care for the loved ones.

Special Qualities

  1. The Powerpuff Girls are likable in the first half of this episode.
    • Speaking of which, the opening scene is more tolerable than the second half.
    • Mojo Jojo, Mayor, and Ms. Bellum are the only likable characters in this episode.
  2. Hilarious lines:
    • Mayor's line: "TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!" after the girls tell him to give them two thousand dollars.
    • Narrator's line: "Well, ladies and gentlemen, I guess this is the first time for everything."
    • The father bird's line: "Well, what do you know folks, I'm a daddy." after the baby birds greet him Happy Father's Day.
  3. After the girls pin her down, Blossom confesses to stealing the golf clubs, and the Professor understands and apologizes to her for putting pressure on her, which is heartwarming. Blossom also learns her lesson at the end.
  4. The Lead Cop is never seen or mentioned again after this episode.

Reception and Controversy

Despite receiving more positive than negative reviews, "A Very Special Blossom" has been universally panned from The Powerpuff Girl fans, with many fans criticizing this episode's very sad and harsh ending, Blossom being very out-of-character and stealing the Golf Clubs, Bubbles and Buttercup being horrible jerks, the Lead Cop as a character/villain and no one standing up for Blossom when the Lead Cop says otherwise, it is widely considered to be one of, if not the worst episodes in all of The Powerpuff Girls and because of this, it was declared non-cannon to the show.


  • This is the second episode where one of the Powerpuff Girls has a criminal role, the first being Bubbles in Bubblevicious.
  • The word "CIGARS" is seen thrice before Professor Utonium sees the Pro Excellence 2000 Golf Clubs.
  • This and its next episode, Daylight Savings are the last episodes to air during the 1990s.


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