Allergik (Titeuf)

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Allergik (Titeuf)
Another one of those horrible plots that make zero sense, this time about allergic problems and religion.
Series: Titeuf
Part of Season: 4
Episode Number: 24
Air Date: 2015
Previous episode: "Pool Test"
Next episode: "The Presentation of Hell"

"Allergik" is the 24th episode frop the season 4 of Titeuf.


In the canteen, Benjamin tastes lamb skewers, and Maxime chicken skewers, while Titeuf and Manu have to make do with cauliflower and bacon; they then discovered the allergy religion, which forbids eating vegetables.

Why It's Allergik to Good Things

  1. The plot is just horrible since it's about Titeuf wanting to pass as a religions person just to eat better things at canteen, as he did seen both Maxime and Romuald having other things to eat because of their religion, we get it that he didn't like the foods but still.
  2. It is a bit of a torture episode for Romuald since he is always at Titeuf and Manu nonsence through the entire episode until the end.
  3. Titeuf think that being allergic to aliments is a religion, which is of course not true and had his stupidly taken way too far even by comparison to other episodes from season 4.
    • And not to mention that he still think that it is a religion until that the nurse did tell him that it isn't a religion but a problem that you had with aliments when you are born, even despite the fact that Romuald tell him that it was not a religion before the nurse tell him so.
  4. Titeuf and Manu are very out of character and unlikable since they try to manipulate Romuald to be adopted by his family and even act just like him, also they constantly annoy Romuald just to know how to not get bad foods in the canteen anymore.
  5. For some reasons, Hugo is nowhere to be seen even despite the fact that he could actually had a good role in this episode.
  6. It could even give a bad moral about religions, which would mean that you had good foods at the canteen when you had religion, which is not really true since it is only when you're allergic or even when you can't eat something because of your religion.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. While it involve religion in a bad way, at least there's no racist present in this episode.
  2. Romuald and Maxime are likable in this episode, especially at the end of the episode.
  3. Decent Ending: While Titeuf and Manu still had disgusting foods that he don't like, Romuald and Maxime give some of their foods to both Titeuf and Manu.



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