Casa Kalimann

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Casa Kalimann
Globo's Programa da Maisa, which is no better than Maisa's program.
Genre: Variety
Running Time: 23 minutes
Country: Brazil
Release Date: April 28, 2021 - July 21
Network(s): Globoplay
Created by: J.B. Oliveira (Boninho)
Distributed by: Grupo Globo
Starring: Rafa Kalimann
Episodes: 13

Casa Kalimann was a Brazilian talk show, aired on Globo's streaming platform, Globoplay, with a single season of 13 episodes from April 28 to July 21, 2021.

Why It Sucks

  1. This program is a wannabe of Programa da Maisa from SBT, which was no better than this program, since both programs suffer from the same problem of being forced programs.
  2. The program's games are terrible and also bad.
  3. Similar to Programa da Maisa, most of the program's guests are ex-BBBs from Big Brother Brasil from Globo, showing who chooses the guests has no consensus of choice.
  4. The interviews are very forced and are not that great either. The questions can't even save the program's interviews.
  5. The set is not so good, since is very similar to the set of the aforementioned Programa da Maisa, and also the set has three Ks, which generated controversy, since the three Ks form the acronym of the Ku Klux Klan, a very controversial group. However, according to Globoplay, it was actually part of the two initials of the program along with "C" repeated three times.[1]

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The program's logo at least is good and also well done.
  2. The person who did the host, Rafa Kalimann, is very attractive, and this can make the show better if your watching the show with a beautiful host.


Casa Kalimann received negative reception by viewers and critics, who made comparisons to Programa da Maisa and even the YouTube channel Diva Depressão made comparisons to the short-lived RedeTV's program A Fadinha do Brasil. Suelem Aline Mendes Silva (who played the Fadinha do Brasil) gave tips for Rafa herself to improve in her program in an interview.[2] Kalimann herself declared that the program was not good for the public, but it was positive to her personal growth.[3] The program did not end up pleasing TV Globo, which decided to not renew the program for a second season and gave up on airing the program on television after the program's failure.[4]



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