Cat-Astrophe (The Tom and Jerry Show)

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Brain Food, eat your heart out!
Series: The Tom and Jerry Show
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 50
Air Date: August 1, 2014
Writer: Robert Zappia
Director: Darrel Van Critters
Previous episode: Ghost Party
Next episode: Curse Case Scenario

Cat-Astrophe is the 50th episode of the 2014 version of The Tom and Jerry Show.


Tom and Jerry plan to stop the asteroid from destroying Earth. Meanwhile, Napoleon looks for food in the vending machine.

Why It's Anything But Catastrophic

  1. Tom and Jerry are likable in this episode as they try to help destroy asteroids from destroying planet Earth.
    • Jerry is innovative here as he uses a device to shoot the asteroid.
    • Tom is also innovative here, at first he attempts to enter Dr. Bigby's laboratory by entering the password, then he uses the wires to hack the security password just to let him enter. But when he gets tied with wires, he has electrical powers to shoot Jerry.
    • Napoleon is still a likable character.
  2. The subplot focusing on Napoleon finding snacks in the vending machine is decent.
  3. The chase scene is somewhat unique, aside from the usual chasing, Tom gets electric powers while Jerry is still using the device to destroy the asteroid. After Tom has used up all the electric powers, he uses more from the high-voltage battery to gain more, though he destroys the device for destroying asteroids.
  4. Near the end of the scene, Jerry helps Tom gain more power up to 11, as the former gets appliances and other electrical objects like a car battery to gain enough electricity for Tom. And when Tom touches the tesla coils, his electrical powers turn blue and uses it to destroy the incoming asteroid, thus saving Earth for good.

Catastrophic Qualities

  1. Bot is unlikable and he somehow attempts to attack Jerry for unknown reasons, which is stupid.
  2. The climax scene wants Brain Food from Teen Titans Go! look like a saint, but it is not worth it much.
  3. Stupid Ending: Napoleon thinks it is chili when Jerry carries a bucket containing an ash-coated Tom. Jerry restrains Napoleon from eating it, however.


  • This is the last Science-themed episode to air.


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