Class Cow (Wayside)

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Class Cow
That's another horrible way to start the series…
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 1b
Air Date: March 16, 2007 (Canada)
February 14, 2008 (USA)
Previous episode: Pull My Pigtail
Next episode: Meet the Pets

Class Cow is the second segment of the first episode of Wayside.

Bad Qualities

  1. The students (except for Todd) are very dumb in this episode as they think that their substitute teacher is literally a cow.
  2. Just like Pull My Pigtail, it is another torture episode for Todd.
    • In fact, many episodes of Wayside are just painful torture episodes for Todd.
  3. Mrs. Jewels were literally supposed to hire a substitute teacher to temporarily teach the students, but she literally forgot that job.
  4. In fact, it even goes too far where the cow eats the homework, the kids (including Todd who was forced to do it) eat the homework too.
  5. The class teacher Mrs. Jewels is also stupid as she forgets about how to pronounce “kids” when she asks Principal Kidswatter to go check on the kids.

Good Qualities

  1. Todd has common sense in this episode.
  2. Despite being portrayed as stupid is also a brave teacher in this episode as she climbed the school with her bare hands just to get back to her students.


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