Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force - Herbert's Revenge

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Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force - Herbert's Revenge

"Playing in the trash for the thumbnail was more fun than Herbert's Revenge."

Genre(s): Point-and-click adventure
Platform(s): Nintendo DS
Release Date: NA: May 25, 2010
EU: June 26, 2010
AU: July 7, 2010
Developer(s): 1st Playable Productions
Publisher(s): Disney Interactive Studios
Country: United States
Series: Club Penguin
Predecessor: Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force
Successor: Club Penguin: Game Day!

Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force – Herbert's Revenge (also known as Club Penguin: Herbert's Revenge) is a Nintendo DS game based on the now discontinued online game, Club Penguin. It is the sequel to Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force. The goal of this game is to solve point-and-click missions.

Bad Qualities

  1. The game only has ten missions, while the online missions and original DS game missions have eleven and thirteen (14 if you have the bonus mission, which was available for download before May 20, 2014) respectively. Not a problem, until you realize that it only feels like four missions, which ties into the next point:
  2. About 60% of the game's missions are ported from the online version, which you could play for free. They advertised the game with "new missions," which counts as false advertising.
    • It sounds like it's useful, because it's the only official way to play them since online game shut down, but you can still play the rest of the PSA missions on other websites, such as Club Penguin Rewritten.
  3. While some ported missions have alternative ways to solve puzzles (such as two ways to get a DVD), they are pointless, as most people who played the online missions will solve them the same way anyways.
  4. During one part in Mission 9, in order for your agents to search for clues, you have to play the easiest mini-games. Except for Rookie, where you have to play a luck-based game by spinning a wheel and hoping it will land on the magnifying glass. If you don't land on it, he won't search until you try again and land on a magnifying glass, which can be pretty annoying.
  5. The mini-games in the game also take a long time to complete and are used about five times throughout the missions (except for Aqua Rescue). In mission seven, you have to play Amazing Maze twice, one right after the other.
    • However, there is a skip button so the mini-games don't take forever.
  6. You can't spend your coins you earned on any clothing. The only thing you could've done is transfer them to your online account (which before Club Penguin itself even shut down, Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection did), making coin collecting pointless, and even more so since 2014.
  7. You can't wonder around the island for fun, which you could do in the first game. You can only wonder around the island during missions, and depending on the one you play, you can only go to certain parts of the island. Because of this some areas in the game are never used.
  8. The minigames can be very repetitive, and the game tries to make you play them every time you have to climb something, dig for something, go through something maze-like, and even when you try to stop the island from sinking. Each minigame except Aqua Rescue requires you to complete them 5 times throughout the game, while Aqua Rescue only forces you to do so once.
  9. Dialogue meant for a side quest involving fixing a penguin's glasses, is left in one of the levels. It is not completable, because you have to enter the gadget room to fix them, and you are not able to do that in this game.
  10. When collecting all the snake tokens, all you get is a touchscreen version of Snake. As Plainrock124 would say, this is "symbolizing [that] this DS game is just as fun as playing with a Nokia 3310."

Good Qualities

  1. There are "snake tokens" hidden throughout missions, which you have secret messages to decode to find them, so at least it's something original.
  2. The mini-games are all original, unlike the first DS game, where some mini-games were ported from the original online game.
  3. The 4 original missions are fun to do.
  4. This game can be fun for people who never played the online missions, and those who still want to play the missions officially for nostalgia purposes after Club Penguin shut down in 2017.
  5. The concept of playing the PSA missions on the go without needing internet isn't so bad, but they shouldn't advertise the game like it's new and it should've included all 13 PSA missions in addition to several exclusive ones found on this game.
  6. 2 main villains, such as Herbert P. Bear and Klutzy, were brilliant enemies to appear in the game, despite the game wasn't good enough.
  7. Due to the shutdown of Club Penguin in 2017, this game serves as preservation for the 6 ported missions from the web game out of the 10 missions available in this game, so that their official releases aren't lost to time, despite it not having the same authentic experience as it used to.
  8. Amazing soundtrack, such as the title theme.



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