Dead Dog Walking (Family Guy)

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"Dead Dog Walking"
The conclusion to a lackluster two-parter.
Series: Family Guy
Part of Season: 17
Episode Number: 2
Air Date: October 7, 2018
Writer: Julius Wu
Director: Chris Sheridan
Previous episode: Married...with Cancer
Next episode: Pal Stewie

"Dead Dog Walking" is the second episode of the 17th season of Family Guy. It aired October 7, 2018, and takes place after "Married with Cancer".


Brian's marriage to Jess is not what he envisioned, especially after her miraculous recovery from cancer. At the suggestion of Peter, Brian starts to let himself go, causing Jess to decide to put him down.

Why It's an Awful Episode Walking

  1. "Even more recently, and not quite as good, on Family Guy..." is not a funny instance of self-awareness, and it seems to be looked upon poorly by audiences. That is an instance of being very aware this episode is going to suck indeed.
    • That particular line also shows that the writers were already aware that the previous episode was going to get poor reception by viewers yet or also shows that they do not care and that they are not going to listen to any criticism towards the show at all.
  2. Jess, just like in the last episode, is still not a good character.
    • She ends up trying to have Brian euthanized, showing that she absolutely has no care for anyone except herself. It just goes to show this whole "marriage" between Brian and Jess was all for nothing when you can tell Brian only married her just so she could have her last days on Earth to cancer. Sure, Brian was selfless because he wanted Jess to be happy, but that is not the point. The point is that he is unhappy Jess is not going to die as far from what was expected, and just acts like the typical unlikable Brian that he is.
      • To be fair with Brian, he has been known for doing horrible things in other episodes, but this is one instance where he didn't do anything wrong, but with one exception.
  3. Jess' female friends' laughs are annoying and degrading to listen to.
  4. There is a scene where Brian pees in a bucket, and it is pretty disgusting to hear.
  5. There are two disturbing scenes where Peter gets strangled by someone: First by the guy who was going to euthanize Brian, and then later, out of nowhere, Lois is also strangling him despite not being in the scene in the first place. They are only there for a cheap visual gag and that was it, making them feel needless enough to make them feel that they have nothing to do with the story at all.
  6. The subplot where Stewie and Chris get vape pens and start vaping is awful, even when you think of the fact that Stewie is way too young to vape!
    • Also, there is a scene where Stewie and Chris kiss each other, and in a rather disturbing way.
  7. Lois is even more unlikeable this episode around, as you would expect in a Season 8-present Family Guy episode. When she finds out that Stewie was smoking a vape pen, she takes away his vaping pen, but later she is seen smoking a cigarette making her a hypocrite. Even Chris brings this up to call her out, although this is mostly justified since Stewie is a baby and not allowed to be smoking.
  8. The reason for Jess' death is pathetic. Saying that she "died during the commercial break" is an example of an asspull, and a horrible one at that. Not to mention vague because it does not explain how she died during the commercial break.
    • Here is one question: What commercial break?

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Peter is surprisingly the only likable character as he does try to help Brian, and he isn’t flanderized like he usually is.
  2. Some jokes are really funny:
    • The scene with Clifford the Big Red Dog at the pound asking Brian: “Did you also eat a kid?” is hilarious.
    • The same goes for The Ring joke with Quagmire.
    • The family's argument at the end is also humorous.
    • The One Froggy Evening reference is actually pretty funny.


The episode has a 6.9/10 rating on IMDb and was ranked the 4th worst adult cartoon episode by PhantomStrider.


  • Jess was never seen again, although her death was unfunny.





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