Dignity of Teeth (Teen Titans Go!)

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"Dignity of Teeth"
No, there is no dignity in this episode, at all.
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: 3
Air Date: August 13, 2015
Writer: Ben Gruber
Director: Noel Belknap
Previous episode: Leg Day
Next episode: Croissant

"Dignity of Teeth" is the third episode of the third season of Teen Titans Go!, and the one hundred seventh overall.


Beast Boy has a cavity, and his tooth gets removed by the tooth fairy. He gets money, and so everybody (except Raven) starts trading in their teeth for money too, to the point where they have no teeth at all.

Why It's Undignified

  1. This episode's premise is very gross, unappealing, lazy, and incredibly idiotic. The Titans (minus Raven) take their teeth off all for money.
    • At the beginning, most of the Titans have bad breath, which is gross to look at.
    • There's a close-up shot of Beast Boy's teeth which is also gross to look at.
    • Robin literally eats a piece of Broccoli found in Beast Boy's teeth to try to make a point.
    • The episode’s premise is also similar to the Powerpuff Girls episode, Moral Decay, an infamous episode about Buttercup causing people to lose their permanent teeth for money. However, the concept is handled better in that episode.
  2. The episode basically encourages kids to deliberately remove their own teeth to get money, which is a bad lesson for kids because they could potentially lose their teeth for good and in addition, it also encourages them to be greedy and money-hungry, which is a red flag.
  3. Adding onto that, in the TTG universe, the Tooth Fairy apparently EATS TEETH, which is VERY disgusting. And to get the teeth back, Raven has to eat the teeth too! And to top it off, Raven literally enjoys eating teeth, much to the Titans' disgust, and offers them money.
  4. Speaking of the tooth fairy, she (or maybe he or they) looks VERY unattractive and repelling. The design doesn't even look that good for the most part anyway!
  5. The plot of a Tooth Fairy eating teeth is overall gross and stupid.
  6. The Tooth Fairy says “Tarat ta ta” after every sentence, which gets really annoying over time.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The Titans finally learned their lesson at the end.
  2. Raven is still a likable character in this episode.
  3. The Brushing scene was at least kind of funny.
  4. Robin did have a point about Beast Boy's cavity tooth.


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