Dog Hand (Teen Titans Go!)

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Dog Hand (Teen Titans Go!)
This episode is just pointless, nuff said.
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 4
Air Date: April 30, 2013
Writer: Tom Pugsley
Director: Luke Cormican
Previous episode: Driver's Ed
Next episode: Double Trouble

Dog Hand is 4th episode of the 1st season of Teen Titans Go!.


Raven's demon dad, Trigon, comes to visit, and wins over her friends in an effort to get her to embrace dark magic and become evil like him.

Why It Doesn't Deserve A Dog Hand

  1. Bad Title: The episode’s title is named after the “upgrade” that Trigon gave Cyborg in the episode (giving him a dog head for a hand) and it played a minor role in the episode.
    • To rub salt into the wound, the episode was originally going to be titled "Raven's Daddy Dearest" but got changed for unknown reasons. That title is actually more fitting than the one that was implemented.
  2. The episode begins with Raven doing unspeakably mean things to the Titans and it soon revealed that she’s not happy with her father coming to visit. Not being happy for your father to come is no excuse for this behavior and it makes viewers want to punch her in the face.
  3. Beast Boy and Cyborg reveal their backstories but later on in the series, they will be rendered pointless because they get changed several times as the show progresses.
    • Cyborg was born a cyborg and his father is a toaster.
    • Beast Boy’s parents abandoned him at a zoo as an infant and he’s bullied by the animals.
  4. Trigon comes and his portrayal is offensive because he’s portrayed as a stereotypical sitcom father.
  5. Trigon gives the Titans “upgrades” and they range from stupid to pointless.
    • Beast Boy is a shapeshifter now, so, he can’t just turn into animals but objects and people too.
    • Starfire is a “stereotypical modern teenager” that serves as nothing but trying to be hip and appeal to modern audiences and sounds more like a valley girl (just go with it).
    • Robin is very buff.
    • Cyborg has a dog in place of his right hand. (it also eats which is more horrifying than cute or funny because how does it eliminate waste? (e.g. defecating and urinating)
    • Silkie was pointlessly given butterfly wings. (Why didn’t Trigon just turn him into a butterfly?)
  6. Plot Holes: Speaking of Starfire's new upgrade. Why was that necessary? She could already fly.
  7. The Titans are so grateful that they want Raven to become more like her father, Trigon.
  8. This involves tormenting children, which is child abuse! How did this get away with the censor?
  9. The final battle is stupid.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. At least the Titans realized that Trigon is evil in the end.
  2. Raven did not become like her father.
  3. Good ending: The Titans defeat Trigon and everything is back to normal.


  • The title was originally going to be "Raven's Daddy Dearest"


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