Doug's Babysitter (Doug, Nickelodeon era)

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Doug's Babysitter
This is why checking a person's references before you let them babysit your children is very important.
Series: Nickelodeon's Doug
Part of Season: 4
Episode Number: 9b
Air Date: December 5, 1993
Writer: Mark Dacus
Director: Carol Millican
Previous episode: Doug Ripped Off!
Next episode: Doug's Christmas Story

Doug's Babysitter is the second part of the ninth episode of the fourth season of Nickelodeon's Doug.


When Doug and Judy blow their chance to be home alone, their parents call Mrs. Stinson to babysit them while they're away which quickly turns into a nightmare.

Why Mrs. Stinson Should be Fired from Her Job as a Babysitter

  1. To start things off, it's a Doug and Judy torture episode as right after they blow their chance to be alone at their house, their parents hire Mrs. Stinson and her parrot, Sunflower to watch them and they are very strict with them and it causes many problems throughout the episode for them.
  2. Mrs. Stinson and her parrot, Sunflower are unlikable in their own special ways:
    • Mrs. Stinson is a very strict and embarrassing babysitter who comes up with strict rules for watching the two and feeds them gross stuff such as cooked prunes.
    • Sunflower is a snitching bird who are the eyes on the kids to see if they are following Mrs. Stinson's rules.
  3. Judy, while likable decides to see a movie against her parents wishes.
  4. Seeing Porkchop caught in Mrs. Stinson's trap is not fun to watch and could be considered animal abuse.
  5. Mean-spirited moments such as Mrs. Stinson locking up both the refrigerator and telephone and Sunflower snitching on Doug to take his comic book away from him.
  6. Mrs. Stinson keeps on interrupting Doug and Judy's daily activities such as:
    • When Doug was going to get lunch at school, Mrs. Stinson went to the school to give him his lunch instead.
    • She made Judy wear proper clothes instead of her usual ones.
  7. The scene where Mr. Bone does his speech after he receives his Disciplinarian of the Year award is not interesting and very boring to watch.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Doug, Porkchop, Judy and their parents are all likable characters.
  2. Some funny moments such as Sunflower realizing he was being tricked.
  3. For once, Doug and Judy actually worked together which shows that even siblings can put aside their differences to work together. They tricked Sunflower by create a fake female Parrot, so they can trap him in the piano, to keep him from snitching on them and ruining their plan. They then trick Mrs. Stinson into believing they're at City Hall, when in reality, they're staying home, knowing Mr. Bone would be there. Once she gets there, she doesn't find the two, but rather Mr. Bone and they both fall in love with each other.
  4. Good Ending: After they fall in love, Mrs. Stinson and Mr. Bone now hang together as a couple and that meant Mrs. Stinson's restriction on Doug and Judy went down, which is a relief and they finally got to do their usual activities. Even better, we got a sweet scene where the two siblings eat at the Honker Burger.



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