Garfield: Saving Arlene

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Garfield: Saving Arlene
Does this game is called Garfield Best Game by any chances, because it is a great game! - Garfield (probably)
Genre(s): Platform
Platform(s): PlayStation 2
Release Date: EU: October 2005
JP: April 27, 2006
Developer(s): EKO Software
Publisher(s): EU: Hip Games
JP: Titus Interactive, S.A.
Predecessor: Garfield (2004)
Successor: Garfield: Lasagna World Tour

Garfield: Saving Arlene is a 2005 action-adventure video game developed by EKO Software and published both by Hip Games and Titus Interactive, S.A. It was released for PlayStation 2 and PC.


Garfield is asleep on the couch in the Arbuckle house, and is soon awoken by Odie. The cat kicks Odie off the couch, claiming that the latter has no respect for his naps. Garfield then hears a truck, and finds it to be from the "Animal Annihilation Facility". Garfield then sees Arlene in the back of the truck, and along with Odie, decides to save her.

Why It Save Arlene

  1. It is a massive improvement over the horrendous 2004 game that is simply titled Garfield, right to the graphics, and the gameplay.
  2. There's a lot of funny moments in this game, to the point of being one of the funniest Garfield game ever, such moments include Garfield being annoyed by Odie, fourth wall breaking humor, and puns related to either the game or the comics.
    • Speaking of fourth wall breaking humor, there's two lines that are very funny and memorable, which are:
      • One of the line where Garfield say that it's the only emotional scene of the game and that the script forced him to do so, which is quite funny.
      • TBA
  3. Decent graphics for a low budget game on the PS2, and look even better than those of Lasagna World Tour, as they are very colorful and the characters models are quite decent for the system it based on, also the environnements look appealing, such as the Garden and even the Sewers levels, and the feeling of the game is quite perfect because of this, especially for the sewer levels.
  4. The gameplay is really good for a low budget game, since it manage to be surprisingly fun to play, and is probably one of, if not the best 3D Garfield game ever made because of this, and all of this with low budget.
    • There's also some variations in the game for the gameplay not being repetitive, such as the addition of moves when doing something to eat, such as to heal yourself or for kicking Odie to something else, which was very well executed, the same system would get back in Lasagna World Tour, though not as good.
    • Speaking of Lasagna World Tour, that game did get this kind of gameplay from this game, but was unfortunately massively downgraded to the point of being a reskin and being a mediocre game.
  5. Solid controls, Garfield control is very tight and responsive, and will never feel unresponsive except sometime, also the controls are a massive improvement over the 2004 game released earlier, since here it had better jump controls and they are definitely more simple and due to how solid they are, it's make the game much more fun than it's already is.
  6. Really good soundtrack, much like most of the Garfield game and is extremely catchy to listen to, in fact the soundtrack is so good that you may even want to rest on the stage longer to listen to the music or you might even want to download the soundtrack on your phone and MP3 players to listen to it while you're in a work or when you are not at home.
  7. The puzzles are interesting.
  8. Good level design, that is usually designed around puzzles, and the abilities of Garfield and Odie themself, and you will need to do a lot of moves with Odie so that you can progress, and it work very well.
  9. It is more challenging than it sequel, this is mostly because the puzzles had better designs and that the game difficulty wasn't made as easy as it was in Lasagna World Tour.
  10. Hilarous title cards for the levels, such as for the first sewer level, and they are quite well made even for a video game based on a cartoon.
  11. Overall, it ended up being one of the best Garfield game ever made and even received a cult following because of this, and also it ended up being the best PS2 Garfield game along with the decent tie-in video game based on Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties.
    • What's more for Japanese versions is this is the last Titus Interactive games, but only published in Japan, and Titus Japan K.K is closing the company for good in a decent note.

Bad Qualities

  1. The game is extremely short, even more than Lasagna World Tour, since there is only 9 levels and they are very short to complete, to the point of being beatable around 2 hours.
  2. Some words in the game is mispelled, such as Lasagna being spell as Lasagne (though it is the French version of Lasagna but still, for an English game it is a typo), though the French version doesn't had any typos compared to most other.
  3. No boss fights unfortunately.
  4. Sometime the game might be a little frustrating, though it is challenging unlike Lasagna World Tour that use the same gameplay style, and was barely challenging at all.
  5. Don't get us started on this game sequel.
  6. Some of the obstacles don't make any senses, such as water that can hit Garfield, we know that he is a cat but still...


While there is barely any reviews online, many youtubers liked the game and give it positive review, as well as being considered to be one of the best Garfield game ever made, and is considered to be the best one on the PS2 after Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties.


  • While it isn't the first 3D Garfield game made, it is the first 3D platformer.
  • Although the game is a 3D platformer and all in-game characters use 3D models, Arlene is represented as a 2D animated texture.
  • At the end of the credits, the player is told "Try this during the game! Left Left Left Left Up Left Left Left Left Down". Inputting this code on the D-pad during the game results in Garfield cycling through wearing different hats. These hats do not appear to have any effect on gameplay. They were later reused for the multiplayer costumes in Garfield: Lasagna World Tour.
  • Yapping Yards and Dubious Dusk are the only two levels in the game to have different names yet share the same music.
  • Outside of educational games, mobile games, and crossover games, Garfield: Saving Arlene is currently the only Garfield video game to receive a direct sequel.
  • The PS2 contains title cards for each level whereas the PC version has none.
  • It's one of the few Garfield game to be released in Japan, along with the japanese exclusive A Week of Garfield and Caught in the Act on Sega Genesis.



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