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The holy grail of low-budget Russian shows and awful rip-offs of preschool shows. Couldn't Globosat license something better?
Genre: Preschool
Running Time: 24 hours a day
Country: Brazil
Release Date: October 17, 2017; 6 years ago
Distributed by: Globosat

Gloobinho is a Brazilian pay television preschool channel owned by Globosat released in October 17, 2017 to cash in the success of Nick Jr. and Cartoonito.

The network is infamous for airing low quality and obscure Russian shows and poorly made rip-offs of other successful shows. On the other hand, this can be considered a compensation because the original Gloob channel is known for airing some high-budget, good-quality French cartoons.

Why It's Gloobin-no

  1. Elephant out of the room: This network is a poor-man's copy of Nick Jr. and Cartoonito, right down to the concept and feel.
  2. Misleading name: This network has nothing to do with TV Globinho at all, even though their name is similar.
    • This network can be also considered an insult to TV Globinho and it's legacy.
  3. The network is infamous for airing horrible low-budget Russian shows. Keep in mind that this channel is owned by Globosat, which is a millionaire company. Why they couldn't license something better is something that people would ask. These are some of their few bad shows shows to name:
    • Mya Go (an obvious rip-off of Peppa Pig)
    • Tina & Tommy
    • BabyRiki (airs too much on the network to the point it feels that they are milking this show)
    • Trulli-Tales
    • Olo-bob-top
  4. Some of the dubs are awful.

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. It airs some good shows, like Go Jetters, Pingu in The City (sadly it doesn't air anymore) and more.


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