Goofy's Grandma (Mickey Mouse)

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Goofy's Grandma
Series: Mickey Mouse
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: Overall: 24
Season: 6
Air Date: July 11, 2014
Writer: Darrick Bachman
Clay Morrow
Paul Rudish
Aaron Springer
Director: Aaron Springer
Previous episode: Down the Hatch
Next episode: Captain Donald

Goofy's Grandma is the 6th episode of Season 2 and the 24th episode overall of Mickey Mouse.


Mickey agrees to let Goofy's grandma stay in his house for a visit, but things do not go as planned after the reveal.

Bad Qualities

  1. The episode starts with jazz music, but when the episode starts, it got abrupted for a reason because Goofy rings the bell to Mickey.
  2. Having an elderly for a visit is sweet, but the problem here is Mickey getting tortured by Goofy's grandma during his visit, making her out-of-character.
  3. Goofy's Grandma seemingly loses control as the episode progresses.
    • She eats a sub sandwich like a big eater and burps loudly.
    • She accidentally ejects herself on the reclining chair.
    • She denies to stay in a room filled with pink decorations, but she stays on Mickey's bed.
    • She plays a horn so loud that she wakes Mickey up.
    • She attempts to serve Mickey breakfast, but because her feet are not fast enough, she slips the breakfast on Mickey's face instead.
  4. After the real Goofy arrives in Mickey's house, along with his grandma, it is revealed that she is actually him, while Goofy is Donald, and he gives him 5 Dollars for a stay.
  5. When Goofy and Mickey enter at the former's house, the latter has to deal with a spider, but it is huge, causing him to freak out of terror. Additionally, the spider in this episode is absolutely terrifying to look at since it look like a stock footage.
  6. The episode ends with Donald being uncomfortable to see Minnie and Goofy's real grandma drinking tea, meaning that Mickey's plan was all for nothing.

The Only Good Quality

  1. Mickey, Donald, and Goofy are likable in this episode.


  • Despite being a bad episode, Bill Farmer won a 2015 Award for Outstanding Achievement, Voice Acting in an Animated TV/Broadcast Production for his performance as Goofy and his grandma for this episode.



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