Hose Water (Teen Titans Go!)
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Hose Water (Teen Titans Go!) | ||||||||||||||
Cyborg and Starfire acting like children in bodies of adults is not funny!
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Hose Water is the 31st episode of the 2nd season of Teen Titans Go!.
Starfire and Cyborg's inner child awake because of a baby bird. Is it a good thing? Or is it bad for them and everybody else?
Why It's An Rotten Egg
- Bad Title: The episode has nothing to do with hoses and is about Cyborg and Starfire acting children in a similar vein to flanderized SpongeBob and Patrick from the worst era of SpongeBob. The title is really from one line in the episode where Starfire tells Robin she’ll be drinking from the hose in the backyard.
- Misleading Synopsis: The synopsis states that Cyborg and Starfire start acting like manchildren after they saw a baby bird (which is clearly a chick, a baby chicken) hatch when they were clearly acting like this prior to the events.
- The beginning is annoying because it’s Cyborg and Starfire screaming at Beast Boy and Raven to look at their Easter egg and Chick respectively.
- Plot holes:
- How do Cyborg and Starfire manage to hatch an Easter egg when it could obviously be rotten? The episode clearly takes place some time after Easter.
- What started this behavior to begin with?
- The “egg puns” running gag throughout the episode is very annoying.
- While the episode and synopsis clearly state Cyborg and Starfire are acting like children, they clearly are not acting like and are actually acting more like a flanderized SpongeBob and Patrick. As they are acting like they have no brain and are just running around and screaming and annoying everyone.
- Robin begins acting the Squidward Tentacles from SpongeBob SquarePants to Cyborg and Starfire’s SpongeBob and Patrick and tries to get them to stop. Why? They will “deage” but it’s not what you think.
- During this process, Robin states that Cyborg and Starfire look “younger than [they] did this morning” as well as holding up pictures that he took. But they look exactly the same, Cyborg and Starfire even point this out too.
- Starfire and Cyborg “deage” and turn into…. not actual babies but eggs with legs, which makes no sense.
- The stork comes to pick them up and Beast Boy asks Robin what a stork is and Robin only responds with “Remember when you asked me where babies come from?”.
- Why did Beast Boy ask Robin to begin with? He’s a teenager, he should’ve long known how babies are made.
- Plot hole: Why does the stork exist in the TTG! universe when pregnancy obviously exists in the show? Yep, a few episodes actually feature Beast Boy getting pregnant in some way, rendering the stork completely pointless.
- After this, the episode begins to rip off the SpongeBob episode, Face Freeze. Where after the Titans follow the stork to Babyland, the rest of the Titans start to deage too despite them not acting like Cyborg and Starfire during the entirety of the episode.
- Bad ending: All the Titans “deage”, turn into eggs with legs and they stay this way as the stork paints them.
Eggscellent Qualities
- Good lesson: Act your age, if you act younger than your age, you could be seen in a negative light by the public eye.
- The Stork is an entertaining character.
- Raven saying “I didn’t mean that.” to her Pretty Pretty Pegasus pillow is funny.
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