Real Boy Adventures (Teen Titans Go!)

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Real Boy Adventures (Teen Titans Go!)
What is with the writers changing up the status quo ONE SEASON WITHIN THE SHOW? And it has to do with the characters’ anatomy.
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 30
Air Date: February 12, 2015
Writer: Ben Joseph
Director: Peter Rida Michail
Previous episode: Smile Bones
Next episode: Hose Water

Real Boy Adventures is the 30th episode of 2nd season of Teen Titans Go!.


After transforming into "Fleshy Guy", Cyborg discovers the ups and downs of being human.

Why It's a Fake Boy

  1. Firstly, this episode undoes the status quo and it will stay that way for the remainder of the series, this episode implies that Cyborg was originally a human boy who got robotic parts to replace his deformed body parts. However, it will be further cemented in Flashback, making the previous episodes null and void.
  2. Plot Hole: How are Cyborg’s robot parts ruined by water when previous episodes established that he’s waterproof?
  3. Raven having to explain to the Titans what her magic can do is not funny, unnecessary, and goes on for too long. The Titans should’ve also known that Raven’s magic is limitless so that scene was completely pointless.
  4. Raven then uses her magic to make Cyborg human again but you’re never going to believe what the Titans call him, "Fleshy Guy" that name is stupid and very uncreative.
    • When Beast Boy admitted that the name was his idea, he proudly says that he is “good at naming things”, no he is not! That name is one of the worst names ever! He should’ve been embarrassed to admit it.
  5. After this, Cyborg begins to whine and the episode unnecessarily becomes a Pinocchio parody, complete with Beast Boy becoming a cricket and dressing up like Jiminy Cricket. It’s too cringe and Cyborg constantly whines about being human, which becomes annoying.
    • Thankfully, it’s not a true parody because we don’t get Cyborg’s nose growing every time he lies, which is the most iconic bit of Pinocchio, it’s so iconic, that many media references it and it even has an emoji. 🤥 TTG! would've screwed this up.
  6. The “El Burgagatto” looks like a very disgusting dish and name does not contain the word “pizza” in it despite Beast Boy saying it’s a combination of the “best foods in the world”: pizza, burgers, tacos, and burritos.
  7. After Cyborg gets done whining like a baby, Robin sings him a song and it’s the "Real Boy" song, it’s very annoying and repetitive. The scene where Robin and Cyborg suddenly gain beer bellies to drum is very disgusting.
  8. Lame ending: The Hive Five randomly attack Cyborg for no reason, Robin steals his robotic parts and makes fun of Cyborg. Cyborg “defeats” the Hive by giving them papercuts, which is very pathetic. Then he makes out with Jinx and the episode abruptly ends.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The Titans wanting to be in Robin’s hot tub is very relatable.
  2. "I’m being boiled alive!"
  3. Batman’s guitar solo is the best and only good part of the “Real Boy” song.


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