Jeff's New Toy (Clarence)

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Jeff's New Toy
This is why you need to respect other people's stuff, Clarence.
Series: Clarence
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 7
Air Date: May 12, 2014
Writer: Spencer Rothbell
Skyler Page
Mark Banker
Spencer Rothbell (Story)
Director: Derek Evanick
Diana Lafyatis
Previous episode: Clarence Gets a Girlfriend
Next episode: Dinner Party

Jeff's New Toy is the 7th episode of Clarence.


Clarence and Sumo fight over a new toy Jeff got delivered to his house and accidentally break it. Now they have to fix it before he finds out.

Why It's Not a New Toy

  1. This is a Jeff torture episode.
  2. Clarence and Sumo are somewhat unlikable for attempting to see what is inside Jeff's new toy, Wrath Hover Ginsbot.
  3. Clarence's scheme by wanting to check what is inside Wrath Hover Ginsbot is stupid. For example:
    • How does Clarence use a scanner to crush the box of the toy and use the front to make it a Xerox copy of it?
    • Him testing the Wrath Hover Ginsbot makes him stupid even more, and because of this, he destroys the head of the toy. He uses a glue to fix it but it does not work at all. Not only that, but also Jeff's items in the bathroom like floss, cotton balls, deodorant, and soap.
  4. Speaking of fixing the toy, stealing items in Jeff's bathroom is wrong because it would lead to theft.
  5. Him making up a lie about how the raccoon breaks Jeff's toy is stupid. Not only is this stupid, but it also makes Blackened Sponge from SpongeBob SquarePants look like a saint.
  6. After Jeff sees his toy, he shatters his teeth and twitches his body, which is gross to look at.
    • Even after Clarence makes his lie, his teeth somehow recover, even though they would have been recovered when Jeff goes to the dentist.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Jeff is likable in this episode.
    • While Sumo is a bit unlikable, he is likable near the end of the episode.
  2. Him getting mad after Clarence breaks his toy and telling his lie is justifiable, even though it is a bit mean-spirited.
  3. Sumo making a court while he pretends to be a lawyer is a bit okay and this makes up Clarence and Jeff.
    • Sumo tells Jeff to loosen up and makes sure that the toys are for playing.
    • He even tells Clarence to apologize to Jeff for breaking his toy.
  4. Good Ending: While Clarence is banned from flying, Sumo's siblings play with a new Wrath Hover Ginsbot. Jeff and Sumo are also watching them playing.


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