Mega Man V (1994)

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Mega Man V (1994)
Protagonist(s): Mega Man
Genre(s): Action
Platform(s): Game Boy
Release Date: July 22, 1994
Developer(s): Minakuchi Engineering
Publisher(s): Capcom
Series: Mega Man
Predecessor: Mega Man IV

Mega Man V (or Rockman World 5; ロックマンワールド5 in Japan) is the fifth and final of the Game Boy Mega Man/Rockman World games, released in July of 1994. Like Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge, Mega Man III and Mega Man IV, it was developed by Minakuchi Engineering.


While going on a walk with his sister Roll, Rock encounters Terra (also known as Earth in Japan), a member of the Stardroids, a series of robots who are planning to conquer Earth. Rock turns into Mega Man and attempts to fight Terra, unsuccessfully. Upon waking up, Mega Man finds out that the Stardroids have almost taken over Earth, but Dr. Light upgraded his Mega Buster to the Mega Arm. With his new upgraded weapon and a new feline companion, Tango, it's up to Mega Man to defeat the Stardroids and save the planet.

Why it Rocks

  1. Unlike the previous Game Boy Mega Man games which reused Robot Masters from the NES games, this game features a set of completely new Robot Masters, known as the Stardroids, who are named after planets of the Solar System and come with unique weapons.
  2. Most of the weapons are fun to play with, and they can lead to some secrets, with the only exception being the Deep Digger.
  3. Once again, the graphics are very detailed for the Game Boy.
  4. Excellent looking cinematics, which looks just as good as the previous game.
  5. The bosses are much more challenging than its predecessors.
  6. The Mega Buster saw a complete overhaul. Instead of firing a charge shot, Mega Man fires his fist, the Mega Arm, which homes in on enemies and sometimes grabs items.
  7. In addition to Rush Coil and Rush Jet, Mega Man also has another animal companion: a robot cat named Tango, who rolls into a blade and scatters around the screen, killing any enemies that come in Tango's way.
  8. Great music, as expected for a Mega Man game.
  9. Mega Man can collect P Chips, which can be used to buy upgrades at Dr. Light's lab, like the Energy Equalizer.
  10. Like the previous game, Proto Man makes several appearances at some points of the game.
  11. Enker, Quint, Punk, and Ballade all return as bosses in the final stage.
  12. In a refreshing twist, Dr. Wily isn't actually the final boss of the game. The final boss is Sunstar (AKA Sungod in Japan), a doomsday weapon wanting to dominate the universe.
  13. Tight controls, as with other Game Boy Mega Man games minus II.
  14. You can collect 4 crystals in the later 4 Stardroid stages and get a brand new item that will reduce your weapon energy consumption by half.

Bad Qualities

  1. Some of the Stardroids' weaknesses aren't unlocked right away. For example, Mercury is weak to Black Hole, Saturn's weapon, which isn't obtained until the second set of Stardroids is unlocked, and Neptune is weak to Spark Chaser, Terra's weapon, which isn't obtained until Terra is defeated and the final levels are available.
  2. Unlike the previous games, you don't get to keep the Mega Man Killers' or Quint's weapons.
  3. Uranus, one of the Stardroids, is very hated by fans and his weapon, Deep Digger, is terrible. Also, his stage is very long.
  4. Some of the bosses are still too easy with their weaknesses.



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