My Little Pony: Once Upon A My Little Pony Tale

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My Little Pony: Once Upon A My Little Pony Time
The animation ain't no cutie.
Genre: Comedy
Running Time: 9-10 minutes
Country: United States
Release Date: 2009
Created by: James Farr
Distributed by: Hasbro
Starring: Gigi Abraham
Rachel Chrystie
Dana Flitman
Margo Herreid
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 2
Previous show: My Little Pony (2003, 2008 and 2009)
Next show: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (2010-2019)

My Little Pony: Once Upon a My Little Pony Time (Also known as My Little Pony: Newborn Cuties) is a 2009 American animated DVD series created by James Farr and distributed by Hasbro. It stars Gigi Abraham, Rachel Chrystie, Dana Flitman and Margo Herreid.


Pinkie Pie reminisces of the times she and her friends were baby ponies.

Why It's Not Cute At All

  1. It's basically a "baby-fied" spin-off version of My Little Pony (2003), considering it's based on girls' toys.
    • The series is way too predictable because of the story they go for, and why? It is a baby-fied version of the series it's spun off from.
  2. The Flash animation is really cheap, choppy, robotic and stiff, even for late 2009 standards, to the point where it looks like it was made by Vídeo Brinquedo or Dingo Pictures instead of Hasbro, It's arguably even the worst animation in the My Little Pony franchise.
    • The animation also feels really rushed in the second episode, as a result of it being incomplete.
  3. The lip-syncing, while not bad, is poor.
    • In the second episode "Over Two Rainbows," the characters' mouths don't even sync with the dialogue. Instead, the mouths stay closed went frozen stiff for the entire episode.
  4. The character designs are uncanny, look really ugly and sometimes horrifying.
  5. The voices can sound bland and annoying at times.
    • Most of the time, Cheerilee and Rainbow Dash sounded too old for their ages, while Pinkie Pie and Scootaloo sounded sickingly cute.
    • Sweetie Belle doesn't even talk yet because she just babbles, coos, giggles, burps, and blows bubbles for attention.
  6. The plot of the episodes are really bland and generic, with some filler thrown into them, just like most of the episodes and films during the G3 and G3.5 era.
    • The plot of the second episode, "Over Two Rainbows" makes no sense. According to this episode, Sweetie Belle is born after two rainbows intersect.
  7. Almost all of the characters have poor characterization.
    • Pinkie Pie herself is more of a Mary Sue than she was in the direct-to-video series, who is perfect and have no flaws.
    • Cheerilee became much blander who has little-to-no depth whatsoever.
    • Scootaloo is sometimes annoying. In the first episode, she ends up doing stupid things to distract Pinkie Pie and Cheerilee by turning off the lights over and over, jumping up and down, and saying the word "party" over and over.
    • Rainbow Dash has been flanderized. She is now unlikable, whiny and a jerk. After her scarf becomes dirty and Sweetie Belle first came to Ponyville, she ends up complaining about her scarf being dirty, (as mentioned earlier) and being a bit rude. Her most infamous line was “She's a unicorn. And everyone in Ponyville knows that unicorns belong in Unicornia.” Which comes out as racist. She also never gets punished for her actions at all.
  8. False Advertising:
    • Toola-Roola and Starsong are seen on the DVD cover, but they barely appear or even mentioned in the show at all, despite the show being meant to focus on the Core 7.
    • Rainbow Dash is seen wearing a yellow bow, Scootaloo is seen wearing a pink bow and Sweetie-belle is seen wearing the same bow color as Scootaloo in the DVD cover, but in the show, Rainbow Dash is wearing a purple bow, Scootaloo is wearing a yellow bow and Sweetie Belle is wearing a green bow.
  9. The intro animation and the backgrounds are mediocre at best.
  10. Some of the sound effects don’t even match well, such as where butterflies chirp instead of the birds in “So Many Different Ways To Play”.
    • The second episode had no sound effects into it whatsoever.
    • To rub salt into the wound, the "thunder claps" in over "Two Rainbows" are drum cymbals clanging, not only is it unfitting, it's also lazy, jarring, and distracting.
  11. It reuses the same old My Little Pony G3 logo at the beginning, the credits scene from Pinkie Pie's Special Day and the same old Hasbro Entertainment logo at the end, especially in Over Two Rainbows.
  12. Overall, it was a terrible way to end the G3 franchise.

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. The music is at least nice.


My Little Pony: Once Upon a My Little Pony Time was panned by both audiences, critics and fans alike, mainly for its cheap and rushed animation, especially in the second episode, bland plot and poor characters. The show currently holds a 2.7/10 on IMDb, making it not only the lowest rated show in the G3 franchise, but the lowest rated My Little Pony show on the site.


  • This show marked the last era of the third generation of My Little Pony until Friendship is Magic came a year later.
  • This show was the shortest in the entire My Little Pony franchise.
  • The second episode, Over Two Rainbows was remade at an unknown year or date with mouth movement and sound effects.


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