Nice Cats (Phoenix Games/Dingo Pictures)

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In a game that "suppository" has nice cats, there's nothing nice about these cats at all!

Nice Cats is a "Video Game"/"Movie" made by the Infamous Phoenix Games and Dingo Pictures, and was made for the PlayStation 1 in 1995. Its noticeable for being the very first game in the Phoenix Games line-up, as well as the very first film to be made by Dingo Pictures.


During their stay at Acapulco for the Holidays, a young female kitten name Lucy gets abducted by a Cat Catcher who catches beautiful and care-for cats during her traverse, with the help of Charlie, Lucy goes though one big and wild adventure to get back home.

Why This Game's Not Nice

  1. Elephant-In-The-Room: This "game" is infamous for being the VERY FIRST "game" in the Phoenix Games line-up, as well as being the very first "film" to be made by Dingo Pictures.
  2. This game is a shameful rip-off of the Disney's animated film, The Aristocats, right down the characters being the same.
  3. Not really a game, its just a collection of mini-games and a movie, a staple that later Phoenix Games will fallow.
  4. Poor Mini-Games selection, most of which are too easy.
  5. Awful animation that looks straight out of a mid-1950, and is something that later films will also have as well.
  6. Despite this being a "Kids Game", the story has some of characters SWEARING, with Lucy saying "I can't find my dame hairbrush!" as her very first lines.
  7. Very out-of-place soundtrack, with the intro being more like something out of Alvin and the Chipmunks.
  8. Bland attempts of humor.
  9. Very poor and terrible voice-acting, only one actress voices the characters though out the film and she completely fails at it due to how too similar some of the characters sounds to each other, even worst, she also voices the male characters.
  10. Misleading Title:
    1. In both versions of the game and re-release as a Movie, the box arts makes it show that to has decent animation, when instead its the typical Dingo Pictures-style Animation.
    2. In the Pheonix Games version, it shows a mouse (a rip-off version of Roquefort) on the box art, yet he only appears in a few scenes.
    3. The Dingo Pictures re-release shows three kittens, when in the film, only TWO appears in the film.
      1. Also in the Dingo Picture re-release, it shows an evil butler (that looks like Klaus from The Chipmunk Adventure) that's an obvious Edgar rip-off, but he makes no appearance in this film.
    4. Despite either Charlie (in the Phoenix Games version) or Laureen (in the Dingo Pictures re-release version) taken up most of the box-arts, they are not the main characters of the film, instead most of it centers around Lucy, with Charlie not appearing until mid-way in the film and Laureen just being a minor character.
  11. Filler segments, such as a random scene in which Lucy scares off a dog for no-reason.
  12. Loads of animation errors, with a notable one in particular being a piece of Laurine rear floating at the bottom part of the screen whenever Laurune gets a full screen-shot.
  13. Plot-Holes:
    1. How can the humans and animals communicate with each other?
    2. Why does Mrs. McDonald and co. drive a car all way from San Fransisco all the way to Acapulco which takes 41 HOURS to get there?
    3. During the trip, random characters appear out-of-nowhere to say good bye to Mrs. McDonald and co. for no reason.
    4. Why does the Cat Catcher capture beautiful and care-for cats, and what's he planing on doing with them?
    5. After finding out that Lucy has been taken by the Cat Catcher, all Mrs. McDonald and Laurine do is cry and act like there's nothing they could do about it....why doesn't Mrs. McDonald and/or Laurine just go to the Cat Catcher's place to get back Lucy?
    6. How comes there are no cops to arrest the Cat Catcher who captures beautiful and care-for cats?
    7. Why doesn't Lucy and Charlie find a random ride to get back to San Fransisco instead of walking from Acapulco to San Fransisco, which takes 826 hours?
  14. Poor lip-syncing from all of the characters.
  15. Though out the film there are times in which the audio for some of the characters will crack up in a high pitch.
  16. Laughable dialogue, such as Lucy saying "I can't find my dame hairbrush!".
  17. Unlikable characters, with Lucy being an idiotic brat and the random mouse character that flat out gets Lucy captured in the first place and even mocks her, worst part is that the mouse character gets off scoot-free.
  18. Lazy character designs, with Charlie in particular being a reskin and recolor version of Laurine.
  19. No real climax/final battle.
  20. Somewhat rushed ending, we don't even know what happens to the Cat Catcher or even know if Charlie is gonna stay with Mrs. McDonald.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Lots of humor.
  2. While out-of-place, the soundtrack is decent.


Nice Cats has been critically panned by Fans and Critics alike for its being a blatant rip-off of The Aristocats, poor animation, unlikable characters and many plot-holes.