Oddballs is an animated adventure-comedy television series created by James Rallison and Ethan Banville. It is the creators behind production companies, Netflix Animation and Atomic Cartoons. The series debuted on October 7, 2022. The show features a total of twelve 17–20 minute episodes in its first season, and the second and final season, released on February 24, 2023.
Oddballs | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Oddballs takes place in the fictional town of Dirt, Arizona. It follows James, a bubble-shaped kid who goes on bizarre adventures with his best friends; a dim-witted crocodile named Max, and, as of the 4th episode, a time-travelling girl named Echo. During each episode, James's rants and questioning of social norms often end up in a disaster.
In early 2020, James Rallison and Ethan Banville pitched their new series to Netflix, which was subsequently picked up by the streaming service in August of the same year. the entire production of the show was done remotely. Despite this, the first season of the show was set to premiere later in the year, as Rallison announced in a video. In September 2022, the official trailer for the first season was released on various YouTube channels, along with an official release date of October 7. Rallison also uploaded a video detailing the process of pitching the show and creating its screenwriting bible. The second season of the show was announced in January 2023, with an official trailer released shortly after and the season airing on February 24 of the same year. The show was animated using ToonBoom, with Hallis Blaney serving as animation director. However, in May 2023, Banville announced the cancellation of the show and the upcoming release of a graphic novel called The Upcoming Graphic Novel, which will feature five stories originally intended for the show. Ultimately, Oddballs ran for just 20 episodes and two seasons on Netflix before its cancellation.
Bad Qualities That Should Be Destroyed By Evil Toasty
- Just like Fred: The Show and The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange, while the idea of making a series based on a popular Youtube series may be good on paper, it didn't translate well when it came to the execution. Oddballs's biggest problem is that it's very generic and formulaic, even for a channel like Odds1Out.
- Poor voice acting, mostly for James. What doesn't help is that James provided the voice of himself. Because he's not a professional actor, his voice sounds off.
- There are some unlikeable characters, such as Smooth Jason, Echo (depending on your view), the rock cop, Stuart, Foodball Joe and especially James (due to being Gary Stu)
- Some bad episodes such as, Raising Toasty (which started this series on a bad note), Breaking and Entering, Wanted Dead or a Fly and Partners (a reharsh of Raising Toasty).
- Much like What About Mimi? and Teen Titans Go!, Most of the humor isn't funny as most of it is just fart and burp jokes, and gross-out. It's also one of the only types of humor that the show uses. Anything else doesn't even bother trying to be funny.
- In Breaking and Entering, where Max's sister Jenna tries to fix him in exchange for food from Foodball Joe's, which is inappropriate and disturbing moments for a kids show.
- While the voice acting is decent, can be annoying.
Good Qualities That Saved The World From Evil Toasty
- The animation isn't bad and is actually good, given that it was provided by Atomic Cartoons.
- Much like in the original YouTube version, the characters at least looks good.
- There are some likable characters such as James (despite being Gary Stu) and Max.
- The voice acting is really decent, despite being annoying.
- Mediocre media
- Average shows
- Bad shows from good franchises
- Netflix shows
- Annoying shows
- Gross-out shows
- Terrible grasp on the source material
- Imported from YouTube
- Cult shows
- Spin-offs
- 2020s programs
- Cartoons
- Sketch comedy
- Animated shows
- Comedy shows
- Cancelled shows
- "It's made for girls/boys"
- 2020s media
- Abusing the mascot
- Abusing the franchise