One Man Banned (The Fairly OddParents)

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One Man Banned
Do not forget Step 105: Do not immediately become famous and show fortune until you become improved in music.
Series: The Fairly OddParents
Part of Season: 7
Episode Number: 14 (7a)
Air Date: October 16, 2009
Writer: Ed Valentine
Director: Michelle Bryan
Aaron Hammersley (storyboarder)
Previous episode: Timmy Turnip
Chicken Poofs (FOP#318)
Dadbra-Cadabra (airing order)
Next episode: Frenemy Mine
Stupid Cupid (FOP#320)

One Man Banned is the first half of episode 7 and the 14th episode of Season 7 of The Fairly OddParents.


Timmy wants to become successful by playing a triangle, but he is shown to be terrible at it. Cosmo and Wanda wish him to make the triangle more popular by creating a perfect sound to make him famous.

"Banned" Qualities

  1. The first and third acts of this episode are Timmy torture episode because people throw tomatoes at him for being unpopular when he uses a triangle.
  2. People throwing tomatoes at Timmy is mean-spirited because of his terrible playing at triangles.
    • Timmy abandoning his parents and throwing Mr. Turner's bongo on them as well as firing Cosmo and Wanda makes him mean-spirited because his triangle is his only "family" after his fame and fortune.
  3. When his triangle becomes golden, he becomes famous and he is fortunate because of that, but he breaks the rules from "Da Rules" because being famous and showing fortune by using his fairies' wish indirectly could lead to plot holes. Training harder to become famous would have been a better choice than immediate wishing. Also, this one counts as a bad moral.
    • Not only that, Ed Valentine, a writer of FOP accidentally breaks the rules from "Da Rules", tho not bad as Joanna Lewis ("Cosmo Rules")
  4. When Timmy plays a triangle in his room, it creates volcanoes that spew lava, which makes no sense which mostly likely is for random
    • The lava also landed on his parents, who could have gotten killed instead of surviving.
  5. Simpy, Cosmo's squirrel in his ear, does not serve any purpose outside of praising and criticizing Timmy's popularity.
    • Him covering in Cosmo's earwax is a bit disgusting to watch.
  6. Stupid Ending: After Timmy listens to Cosmo by making an ill-mounted comeback, the former uses the triangle to destroy Timmadome, resulting in making a frowned expression on the planet surface of Timmy in Earth.

Good Qualities

  1. Timmy is likable in the first and second acts in this episode.
    • Timmy also apologizes to his fairies for his behavior after firing both of them.
  2. Aaron Hammersley (storyboarder) has a strong string of poses and face expressions like when Timmy saw Dad and Mom in the house.
  3. The second act features multiple music references and they are also good to watch, such as Michael Jackson's Thriller and most of the cover album songs like Abbey's Road from the Beatles and the baby swimming references in the cover album, Nirvana.
    • Sadly, Britney Britney has been absent in this episode since her last appearance, Momnipresent, despite appearing in posters and magazines and Spears' negative reputation in the mid-2000s.
  4. Some decent and funny moments in this episode, especially when Timmy's dad forgives their son.
    • "Good thing I had a back-up dream.. to sell my tomatoes to the largest stadium crowd ever!"


  • There is an alternate title card featuring Timmy using multiple instruments similar to the Disney Pixar short, One Man Band. The title card was created by Gordon Hammond.
  • Both Tootie and Dinkleberg make cameos in this episode:
    • In the case of Tootie, she is seen with the crowd screaming and busting into Timmy's room until she jumps into the limousine and is seen holding a banner named "Marry me!" in Timmadome.
    • In the case of Dinkleberg, he appears in the crowd when Mr. Turner announces everyone to play his bongos. He is seen wearing an indigo shirt and hat and has brown hair.
  • It is revealed in this episode that Timmy is bad at playing triangles.
  • The music during the very end of the episode (when Timmy destroys the Timmadome), was later reused in most of the Season 9 episodes.
  • Stimpy the Squirrel is a reference to Ren and Stimpy (another Nickelodeon show) as both share the same name


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