Paul Terry's The Three Bears

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The Three Bears
Somebody touch-a my Spaghet! -Papa Bear's most famous and infamous line.
Directed by: Paul Terry
Written by: Paul Terry
Release date: February 10, 1939

"The Three Bears" is an animated cartoon episode from Terrytoons created by Paul Terry in 1939 and base off of the children's book.

Since its introduction, this animated short has been infamous for its qualities, and has since then spawn memes and YouTube Poop videos afterwords.


When three bears leave the house and are being hunted by a hunter and his dog, Goldilocks comes in to save the day.

Why This Cartoon Is Spaghet

  1. Very confusing language, with some characters speak German while other characters speak English, making it very hard to tell what they are saying.
  2. Odd character designs, most of which goes to the three bears and Goldilocks, the formals of which looking more like large and (in the case with Mama and Papa Bear)overweight tail-less mice then bears, and the latter having a fairy round lower body, giving off an impression that she's fat.
  3. Very unlikable characters:
    1. Papa Bear is a strict overreacted father who attempts to beat up Baby Bear when the latter does not practice his fiddle and later on forcefully yells at Goldilocks to get out of their house after the latter introduces herself.
    2. Mama Bear acts very blinds thinking that Baby Bear did nothing wrong and turning down Papa Bear's advice, not to mention a cowered as she just abandons Papa and Baby Bear when the Hunter finds them.
    3. Baby Bear (tho likeable) is a brat who places a fiddle on Papa Bear's noes.
    4. Goldilocks outright breaks into the Three Bears' house for no reason(granted that was in the original book, but still).
    5. The Hunter is an idiot who blindly believes Goldilocks.
  4. Misleading Title: Despite being the Three Bears being the main focuses, most of it centers around Goldilocks.
  5. Very bad and yet laughable dialogue, with one infamous example going to the scene when the bears get home and after the Papa Bear finds out that someone ate his spaghetti, he says a very famous and badly written line, "Somebody touch-a my Spaghet! ".
  6. Plot-Holes:
    1. Why is Baby Bear practicing the fiddle?
    2. Where did Goldilocks came from, and why does she decided to intrude the three bears' house?
    3. Why are the Three Bears eating spaghetti instead of porridge?
    4. Why was Goldilocks sleeping on the front part of the bed instead of on it?
    5. Why did Mama Bear just randomly abandon Papa and Baby Bears when they were getting interrogated by the hunter?
    6. Were did the Hunter come from, and why does he want the Bears' fur coat?
    7. How does the Hunter not realize that he was holding on to a broom the whole time?
  7. Somewhat confusing on what story this episode is, the first halve follows the story of The Three Bears, yet halve-way though it's about Goldilocks trying to save the bears from a hunter.
  8. This cartoon is also infamous for its animation cut, with some scenes just cuts to another scene for no-reason.
  9. There's a VERY repetitive running gag of Papa Bear slapping himself in the face while sometimes making a siren-like noise, for littary no-reason, and he does so seven times.
  10. The hunter is lame villain and is a rip-off of Elmer Fudd from the Loony Tunes series, not to menton that he does not appear until the last few minutes of the show.
  11. No real ending, we don't even know what happens to the Hunter after his defeat, and Papa and Baby Bear don't even get their fur coat back.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The animation is fantastic, and still looks impressive for its time.
  2. Lots of humor.
  3. There are some intentional funny moments here-and-there, such as the scene were Mama Bear grabs a hold of Papa Bear's mouth/nose and she says "SHUT YOUR FACE!" and the scene were the Hunter says "I like cheese!" after hearing from Goldilocks that the spaghetti has cheese, fallowed by Goldilocks sarcastically saying "You would!".
  4. Nice voice acting for its time.


  • Papa Bear's line "Somebody touch-a my Spaghet! " became an Internet Meme.


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