Pink Hi-Tops (Pink Panther and Pals)

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Pink Hi-Tops (Pink Panther and Pals)
"Good and fast speed for our favourite protagonist!"
Series: Pink Panther & Pals
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 2a
Air Date: March 14, 2010
Writer: Ken Segall
Director: Ron Brewer
Previous episode: A Pink and Stormy Night
Next episode: Land of the Gi-Ants

Pink Hi-Tops is the 1st segment of the 2nd episode of the Cartoon Network/Boomerang's short-lived 2010 TV series Pink Panther & Pals.

Why It Rocks

  1. The Pink panther was a very likable character in this episode as he does speed tests with his new yellow speed shoes.
  2. There we're great and incredible moments when Mr. Big Nose talks in a phone and his pet dog was here in too many parts.
  3. Good Moral: The good moral in this episode is that you need to excercise everyday with water breaks if you're tired.
  4. The animation in this episode looks impressive (Depending to your view).
  5. Some funny moments when a little bird laughs at the Pink Panther wearing a white dress.
  6. The scene when the Pink Panther stretched his legs to avoid a train was very creative.
  7. Awesome Ending: The episode ends with the Pink Panther finally taking off his hyper speed shoes and he gaved them to Mr. Big Nose.
    • And not to mention that also Mr. Big Nose ranned fast with the shoes.

Bad Qualities

  1. The title of the episode looks cheap.
  2. Sometimes, the moment when Mr. Big Nose calls with a phone and his dog Barks so much gets repetitive at times.
  3. Some moments are also very unfunny.

Full Episode


  • The episode received good reviews on the internet having a 7/10 on IMDb.


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