Pirates (Teen Titans Go!)

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Pirates (Teen Titans Go!)
A terrible way to kick off a love triangle.
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 3
Air Date: June 26, 2014
Writer: Adam Tierney
Director: Luke Cormican
Previous episode: Man Person
Next episode: Money Grandma

Pirates is the 3rd episode of the 2nd season of Teen Titans Go!.


Aqualad asks Raven out on a date, which makes Beast Boy extremely jealous. Meanwhile, Cyborg tries to prove that Aqualad is really a pirate or not.

Why It Gets Captured By Pirates

  1. Bad Title: Although pirates are focused on in the episode, it is not the main plot but rather the subplot. Episodes should never named after its subplot but the main plot as titles for the subplot can be misleading. It’s like if the Family Guy episode, “Stewie is Enciente” is titled “Peter Gets Famous” because the subplot is about Peter and his friends trying become viral video stars. There’s a reason why this never works!
  2. The beginning is just boring and mean spirited because Aqualad is just watching TV and Robin tricks him into coming to help with a fight but really, he called him to come to his barbecue. This is terrible because Robin should’ve lied to get Aqualad to come.
    • On top of that, they cook his shrimp in front of him and completely ignore his distress. and Starfire says that his friend is delicious! That is very cruel!
    • The whole barbecue scene can be cut out because it barely adds any substance to the plot.
  3. After the barbecue scene, Aqualad falls in love with Raven when Beast Boy took her hood off to prove to Aqualad that she’s a girl which falls flat.
  4. Then they both begin dating and Beast Boy becomes jealous, his facial expressions become very uncanny because it looks like the writers are trying too hard to replicate John K’s facial expressions but without the charm and it can’t hit the mark.
  5. Cyborg then stupidly believes that Aqualad is a pirate just because he comes from the ocean not only is it stupid but it’s also mean because he’s essentially making fun of Aqualad behind his back. This starts the subplot.
  6. Cyborg also becomes a stalker and studies Aqualad whenever he comes to see Raven. Why? He wants to prove he’s pirate. That is cruel and he should’ve respected Aqualad.
  7. Starfire mispronounces Pirate as "Pie-Rat" which provides nothing and could've been a great gag where Cyborg corrects her but he doesn't.
  8. Bad ending: Raven lets Beast Boy and Aqualad fight over her. Beast Boy becomes a bear and mercilessly beats up Aqualad. Thankfully, it’s not shown onscreen. Aqualad is then admitted to the hospital and inexplicably dresses up as Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise and rides off with a pirate ship. Cyborg squeals like a little girl because he realizes that he was right.
    • Also, why didn’t Disney sue Warner Bros. for using Jack Sparrow’s clothing and hair for Aqualad?

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The dating scene with Aqualad and Raven is nice.
  2. Starfire is happy for Raven and it feels good to see her that way.


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