Money Grandma (Teen Titans Go!)

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Money Grandma (Teen Titans Go!)
An election episode that aired 4 months TOO EARLY and just craps on America’s history. Do the writers hate America or something?! This is the first of two episodes they insulted America.
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 4
Air Date: July 3, 2014
Writer: Merrill Hagan
Director: Luke Cormican
Previous episode: Pirates
Next episode: I See You

Money Grandma is the 4th episode of the 2nd season of Teen Titans Go!.


When Robin starts a smear campaign against all of the other Titans so that he can be reelected as Team Leader, Raven uses a time machine to bring a great leader from the past to teach Robin how to lead.

Why It’s Broke

  1. Bad title: The episode has nothing to do with money and grandmas but George Washington. The title really comes from a running gag where the Titans call the former president “Money Grandma” because his wig looks like women’s hair and he’s on the dollar bills. The gag also adds nothing to the episode. The running gag within itself is not funny but offensive, details will be explain below.
  2. Plot hole: Since when did the Titans hold elections for team leader? Also, it does not fit in with the superhero genre because superhero teams never hold elections for the team leader.
  3. Also, Robin is horribly unlikable in this episode too. He acts like a spoiled brat too. His actions make the beginning very hard to watch. Here are his actions at the beginning of the episode:
    • He gives his own vote in the ballot box so he can win.
    • Poorly edits the footage from the security cameras to make Cyborg and Beast Boy look bad.
    • Edits a newscast and replaces everyone’s heads with his own head to make himself look superior to the other titans.
  4. To make matters worse, the Titans (except Raven) stupidly fall for Robin’s poorly edited videos with Cyborg and Beast Boy falling for the first one and Starfire falling for the second one. This is something that so easy to see through because Robin’s editing skills is that of a poorly made YouTube Poop. Even the most dumbest person can see through a YouTube Poop.
  5. Fed up with Robin’s antics, Raven brings in George Washington, via a Time Machine. This is when the main plot starts.
  6. When George Washington comes, the episode becomes offensive. Here’s all the problems.
    • There’s a running gag where all the Titans, except Robin and Raven call George Washington “Money Grandma” and refer the president to female pronouns. It’s not funny and it’s very offensive to transgender/non-binary people!
    • Robin continues to act like a spoiled brat and defaces Washington a lot. Here’s his actions.
      • Constantly bullies the president.
      • Pulls down his pants and puts insulting signs around him.
      • Causes Washington head butt a baby.
      • Throws the cherry pie the president made in his face.
      • Made the president confess he farted in front of all the Titans.
  7. Bad ending: Robin says that George Washington is a bad president and steals the Time Machine, travels back in time to become the first president.
  8. The time on the Time Machine shows the episode’s air date, this proves an episode of Teen Titans Go! in made in 2 months or less. Because when fans ask the writers of other cartoons when the next episode will air, they often reply they don’t know. Given the short amount of time an episode of TTG! is created, it justifies one of the reasons why the show is bad.
  9. To add salt to the wound, Robin does not get punished for his rotten behavior throughout the episode.
  10. Robin act like a total idiot in this episode. According to the TTG Wiki, Robin replaced Washington as the first president, in reality, he is basically not going to be brought back by Raven so Robin would have no reason to travel back in the first place which is time paradox.

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. At least Raven tried to correct Robin’s behavior.


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