Pizza Challenge (Gus the Gummy Gator)

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Pizza Challenge (Gus the Gummy Gator)
When the thumbnail literally tells you the "unexpected" climax of the video, you shouldn't watch it.
Episode Number: 734
Air Date: April 2, 2022
Previous episode: 24 Hours on Ghost Pirate Island!
Next episode: Gus and Alpha's Castle Story

Pizza Challenge is a webisode on the Gus the Gummy Gator YouTube channel.


Gus and Combo challenge each other to a pizza-making competition.

Bad Qualities

  1. In the first scene of the webisode, the characters are poorly-scaled, making them look far bigger than they actually are.
  2. Alpha Lexa is a punching bag in the beginning of the webisode, as Combo, and maybe Gus seem to dislike her opinions, and choices here. Ironically, she becomes a bit more unlikable later.
  3. Mediocre and sometimes abysmal sound design; around 30 seconds in, two record scratches are used for seemingly no reason within the space of just three seconds. Considering the record scratch is one of the most annoying sound effects in the entire franchise, this is terrible.
  4. Combo is an absolute idiot in this video, particularly in the second half. It begins about three minutes in, where he gets a gaming controller out of seemingly nowhere, and decides to play a "quick game" until the competition ends. Due to his neglect, the pizza stand he used to make his pizza somehow burns down. As a result, he loses the competition after his pizza burned to a crisp, which thankfully may be karma.
  5. Brain-rotting and basic writing that gets so predictable it basically makes most of the episode filler. For example, from the moment Combo's pizza stand burns down, most would think he immediately lost and that Gus won, which is obviously what happened, but this isn't announced until one minute after the climax began.
  6. Gus' dad is also unlikable as while he helps put down the fire, he doesn't seem to be concerned for any of the contestants who were at risk, one of them is his own son, which makes him a bad parent.
  7. Overall, this is one of the worst official videos related to the Ryan's World franchise.

Good Qualities

  1. The characters were okay for the first half of the webisode.
  2. Combo does show a bit of remorse for neglecting his pizza stand over a video game, and Gus even promises to give him some of his pizza.


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