Principal Interest (Alvinnn!!! and the Chipmunks)

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Principal Interest
If you thought Alvin was bad when he took advantage of Theodore into doing his bidding, then after hearing about this mess of an episode, you haven't seen anything yet!
Series: Alvin and the Chipmunks (2015)
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 1b
Air Date: August 3, 2015
Writer: Janice Karman
Previous episode: Talking Teddy
Next episode: A is for Alien

Principal Interest is the 2st half of the first episode of Alvinnn!!! and the Chipmunks.


Alvin isn't too thrilled about going to school, just like every year. That is until he meets the school principal and instantly falls in love with her.

Why It Doesn't Deserve the Principal's Interest

  1. Just like the last episode, Alvin is at his absolute worst as he is intentionally trying to get himself in trouble just so he can see the school principal who he has a crush on such as:
    • He disrupted the class while Miss. Smith was teaching.
    • Startled Miss. Smith by jumping out of the cupboards.
    • Painted a big red "A" over the map, which is school property.
    • Painted over Miss. Smith's glasses.
    • And even worse, he jumped into a fish tank which ended in him getting expelled.
  2. Speaking of which, the very fact that Alvin falling in love with his adult school principal is combination of zoophilia and pedophilia as he is a young chipmunk and she is an adult. And this is IN A KIDS SHOW TOO!
  3. Plot Holes:
    • Why didn't Simon, being the voice of reason talk Alvin out of what he was doing? Although, this may be because knowing Alvin, even if he tried to convince him that what he's doing is wrong, he knows he couldn't change Alvin's mind.
    • The principal did reveal that she was married at the climax of the episode, so why didn't she say that earlier in the episode?
  4. It rehashes the 1980's series episode "Romancing Miss Stone", but the latter was done way better.
  5. Half-Bad Ending: After Alvin made up for his actions, he sees an older girl and her dog and falls in love with the girl and tries to get her affection, meaning he did not learn his lesson.
  6. Overall, like "Talking Teddy", this was not a good way to start the reboot.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Pretty much every character except Alvin are likable.
  2. Unlike Talking Teddy, Alvin did get punished by Dave and Miss. Smith.
  3. The scene where Alvin sings "I Wish I Could Speak French" while grounded by Dave is a nice touch because it references the 60s series The Alvin Show where he first sang it.
  4. Half-Good Ending: Alvin did regret his actions and made it up by cleaning up the mess he made at school.


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