Talking Teddy (Alvinnn!!! and the Chipmunks)

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"Talking Teddy"
T Teddy.png
An episode that not only started an already bad reboot on a sour note, but also marked the official start of the main protagonist's flanderization both at the same time!
Series: Alvin and the Chipmunks (2015)
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 1a
Air Date: August 3, 2015 (U.S)
March 30, 2015 (France)
Writer: Janice Karman
Michael Bagdasarian
Next episode: Principal Interest

Talking Teddy is the 1st half of the first episode of Alvinnn!!! and the Chipmunks.


Theodore's new talking-teddy bear is driving Alvin and Simon nuts. So, they decide to rewire the bear's hard drive, so the bear will follow their directions! But when Alvin abuses the privilege, Simon turns the tables on him.

Bad Qualities That Don’t Deserve To Talk

  1. It's the first ever 11-minute Theodore torture episode.
  2. Alvin is at his absolute worst in this episode as his flanderization has both started to quickly and has gone too far as he has used Talking Teddy into getting Theodore to do his bidding such as:
    • Making him do all of his chores.
    • Having him wait on him hand and foot like having him make him cookies like he's his servant.
    • And even worse, make him sell all of his money in his piggy bank.
  3. There is a bad moral that if your brother/sister picks a show that you don't like, Manipulate them into doing what you want.
  4. Why didn't Alvin and Simon just talk to Theodore about which show to pick? If they did that, this whole episode could have just been avoided.
  5. Why didn't Simon tell Dave about what Alvin's putting Theodore through? He could have grounded him right on the spot.
  6. While he did get his comeuppance for what he did, Alvin never got reprimanded by Dave for taking advantage of poor Theodore.
  7. Overall, like Principal Interest, this was a pretty mediocre way to start the already bad reboot.
  8. At the beginning, this episode tries to the public sympathize with Alvin because he hates Talking Teddy, but due of his flanderization and the Bad Qualities listed above, this episode actually makes the public sympathize with Theodore.

Good Qualities That Do Deserve To Talk

  1. Simon, Theodore and Dave are all likable characters in this episode.
  2. Alvin did get comeuppance for his actions by having Simon have Talking Teddy act all tough menacing to teach Alvin a lesson.
  3. Great voice acting and animation as usual.
  4. Alvin, despite his flanderization, is a bit compreensible his hating of TV educational shows.


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