Protegent Advertisements

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Protegent is a Anti-Virus software that was created by Unistal a company based from India.

They have made advertisements for their software since the early 2010s, many of which became Internet Memes.

Why The Advertisements Do Not Save Your Computer


  1. The main character of the software Protegent, is clearly a Super Why ripoff in which he is recolored to be orange, the later ads from the early 2020s would later change his character design but he still clearly looks like Super Why.
  2. Poor production values of all of the advertisements, from the poor animation to the poor voice acting.
  3. Proto never has a consistent voice actor, in which in the early advertisements he has a young guy voice, and in the 2016 3D advertisement he has a lower pitch voice, but in the 2023 advertisement he uses a TTS voice.

2013 2D Ads

  1. Very stiff 2D Flash animation, that makes the characters move like robots, and the characters do not have their lips match the to voice actors at all.
    • Not only that, the characters often have incorrect expressions when they are speaking. For example the kid from the "Are your kids safe in school?" ad is supposed to be sad, but when he talks his mouth appears to be smiling.
  2. The "Are your kids safe in school?" advertisement is supposed to teach teachers how to use the software to monitor kids, but since it suffers from a lot of issues it fails to teach them anything.
  3. All of the voice actors have a Indian accent, even if they look like Americans, which ironically is because the commercials were likely made in India as well.
  4. The infamous "Protegent Rap" advertisement suffers from poor writing of the song, and nothing even rhymes.
  5. Inconsistent sound quality for the voice acting, some of them sound very low quality and likely was compressed.
  6. Recycled dialogue: In which the "Do you know me" voice clip from the "Are your kids safe in school?" advertisement ended up being reused in the "Are your employees working sincerely and honestly?" advertisement.

2016 3D Ad

  1. The 3D animation while decent, suffers from repetitive character designs in which the business man model is just clearly a recycled Proto model just wearing a business suit, and the characters having static emotions.
  2. Poor research: The BSOD shown has a Warning sign with text, which never appears in a actual BSOD, and also it has a loud beep despite the audio is actually hanging when the computer crashes.
  3. Terrible dialogue such as "OOPS my system crashed"

2020 3D Ad

  1. Somehow, the 2016 advertisement has gotten worse, in which suffers from rendering issues, and now the BSOD doesn't show up anymore.
  2. Proto's redesign is terrible and also pretty creepy.
  3. The commercial is very inconsistent of what design Proto should be, in the advertisement he appears to be redesigned but the box art for the antivirus box itself still shows the old design.

2023 3D Ad

  1. This advertisement does not have anything to do with antivirus software, the plot here is that a school bus tries to slow down, but the brakes are out, so Proto stops the bus in time before it hits the parents.
  2. Terrible 3D animation that is a huge downgrade from the previous two 3D animations, suffering from inconsistent character designs, rendering issues, and very stiff animation filled to the brim with animation errors.
    • Most of the models look like stock assets that you can buy online, for example the Bus Driver is actually a UPS driver.
  3. Proto this time is voiced by a TTS voice, making it very lazy.

Redeeming Qualities


  1. The voice acting in the advertisements can be unintentionally funny at times.
  2. Some of the music in the advertisements are actually decent.
  3. Similar to the Zazoo commercial, these ads have their "So bad, they're good" charm because of how unintentionally funny they are.


  1. As stated, the animation is actually decent and is a lot better than the 2013 2D animated advertisements
