Rise and Shine (SpongeBob SquarePants)

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Rise and Shine
Not a good way to start season 5 in airing order.
Series: SpongeBob SquarePants
Part of Season: 5
Episode Number: 3a (83a) (151-504-4)
Air Date: February 16, 2007 (VOD, TurboNick)
February 19, 2007 (USA)
Writer: Nate Cash
Steven Banks
Director: Andrew Overtoom
Previous episode: Night Light
The Original Fry Cook (151-503)
The Gift of Gum (Airing order) (Season 4)
Next episode: Waiting

Rise and Shine is the 1st segment of the first episode (third in production order) of Season 5. It is the first Season 5 episode to air and got greenlit in the first episode of "All About Patrick" along with a bit of "Big Pink Loser" and "Donut of Shame".


SpongeBob wonders about Patrick's morning routine.

Snooze Qualities

  1. The alarm clock is very annoying as it rings throughout a decent chunk of the episode.
  2. Patrick is frustratingly stupid through the entire episode.
  3. This episode is also boring as not much goes on.
  4. Did we even ask for what Spongebob wonders of Patrick's morning routine is about?
  5. Overall, it started the Season 5 short format in a weak note and was a poor start for Nate Cash's career.

Rise and Shine Qualities

  1. The ending was alright, as Patrick finally goes to SpongeBob.
  2. This episode is 4 minutes, so it's less unbearable and there's less filler.
  3. Patrick trying to quickly get ready is somewhat funny.
    • "I gotta put on my teeth and brush my pants!"
  4. SpongeBob and Gary is still likable, especially compared to his seasons 6b and seasons 7 flanderized counterpart.
  5. Good animation and voice as usual.


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