Sleepwalkin' (Mickey Mouse)

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Next time, if you want to go on a marathon, train early in the morning instead of late night.
Series: Mickey Mouse
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 14
Air Date: December 6, 2013
Writer: Heiko Drengenberg
Derek Dressler
Clay Morrow
Paul Rudish
Aaron Springer
Director: Paul Rudish
Previous episode: Potatoland
Next episode: Flipperboobootosis

Sleepwalkin' is the 14th episode of Mickey Mouse.


Due to Goofy's sleeping problems, he sleepwalks into the city and Mickey helps him out to sleep well.

Why It Terribly Sleepwalks

  1. For starters, it is a Mickey Mouse torture episode since he sees that Goofy is sleepwalking while sleeping, forcing him to help before he gets hurt.
  2. Speaking of Goofy sleepwalking, he sleepruns into the city, making the title misleading.
  3. It also does not help that he jumps and performs while sleep running, which makes no sense since in real life, he would get hurt.
  4. The pig construction worker goes to the porta potty to poop, and people hears the sound of defecating. Luckily, they can hear only farting sounds.
  5. Plot Holes:
    • Since when does Mickey Mouse drive a boat on the road?
    • How does Goofy wear a swimsuit while sleepwalking?
  6. Bad Ending: After Goofy wakes up in the morning while Mickey becomes cranky and has pink eyes, due to the lack of sleep, he tells him to go on a marathon, but the latter denies it as he runs away from him.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Mickey Mouse and Goofy are still likable characters in this episode.
  2. At least Goofy finally wakes up after sleeping on his bed because Mickey makes a finish line tape to get there.


  • This is the last short to air on 2013.
  • There are several references to Titanic:
    • The ship falling down after bumping on the truck is a reference to the said movie.
    • Additionally, the truck Burg's Ice is a reference to "iceberg".
    • Mickey saluting while causing the ship to fall down is a reference to the real-life idiom, the captain goes down with the ship, which usually happens in Titanic falling down.



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