Slip & Sly (Disventure Camp All-Stars)

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"Slip & Sly"
This is basically just Picnic at Hanging Dork, but with Tess instead of Gwen, and with Australia being nowhere to be seen.
Series: Disventure Camp
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: Season: 9
Overall: 35
Air Date: May 9, 2024 (YouTube)
May 5, 2024 (Patreon)
Previous episode: Give Me Some Space!
Next episode: All's Fair in Love and Paintball

Slip & Sly is the ninth episode of Disventure Camp: All-Stars, the third season of the Disventure Camp series. It officially premiered on May 9th, 2024, on the official YouTube channel from Odd Nation Cartoons.


Two teams are up for elimination after a competitive water sliding challenge, and one contestant considers an allegiance change after having a loved one voted out in the previous episode.

Why It's Slippery (And Not In A Good Way)

  1. The challenge for this episode (Slide on a slip slide to grab your team's ball and shoot it into your teams basket. First team to score three baskets wins immunity, and the two losing teams will be up for elimination), while an excellent concept for a challenge, winded up being underwhelming to the point where it feels like the weakest challenge of the whole season, which is a huge missed opportunity.
  2. Not only is Gabby unlikable, but she has also severely lost her charm in this episode à la character derailment, as she has been flanderized to a petty bitch who can’t even realize that Ellie was lying to her face and controlling her vote the whole time, which definitely surpasses Zoey in Total Drama All-Stars in terms of overall stupidity in a reality show.
    • Speaking of Ellie, Gabby took her elimination in the prior episode too far, to the point where Gabby straight up eliminated Tess (which will be explained earlier) due to Ellie's elimination, which in turn, makes Gabby completely ungrateful and selfish in this episode, especially when you consider that Tess actually helped Ellie in order to prevent her from becoming a villain, especially when it came to Ellie acting too competitive earlier in the season, and the game overall being unhealthy for her, which explains why Tess voted off Ellie and is indeed an understandable reason to vote someone off, which makes it even more unacceptable that Gabby treats this elimination as if it were an attack.
      • It also doesn’t help matters at all that earlier in the season, Ellie never even told Gabby to join the villains alliance to begin with, so this especially makes Gabby's character in this episode even more of a slap in the face.
        • As a result, Gabby winds up feeling more like Ellie's lapdog and less like her girlfriend in this episode, which may as well dethrone Trent's portrayal in Total Drama Action's 3:10 to Crazytown in terms of obsessive desperation.
  3. The pacing can feel very rushed at times, especially in the elimination part.
  4. Gabby's infamous line, "How do you expect me not to take Ellie leaving as an attack?"
  5. Not only does Tess's elimination come off as last-minute, but it also feels like a massive waste of potential, as Gabby literally could have made a deal with Tess to split the money with her and Ellie. But instead, Tess winds up getting unfairly eliminated, which could leave this episode off with an awful ending.
    • It would have easily made a lot more sense for Tom to be eliminated instead, as Jake was slowly moving on from him, as proven by him denying Tom's offer to talk later. Not to mention, it would have also given the spotlight to the characters who haven't gotten a chance to shine yet in this season.
  6. Due to these following reasons, this episode ended the pre-merge phase of Disventure Camp All-Stars on a sour note, especially when you consider that this is the final episode of the season before the merge.

Sly Qualities

  1. At least Jake didn't let another team manipulate him with Tom into messing up the challenge in this very episode.
  2. Despite its poor execution, this episode's challenge is an excellent idea for a challenge, although that won't make up for this episode's flaws.


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