The Adventures of Wendy

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The Adventures of Wendy
Let's go to Wendy's!
Genre: Comedy
Running Time: 2-3 minutes
Country: United States
Release Date: June 10, 2022 - present
Network(s): YouTube
Created by: Marvelouz Delgado
Distributed by: MarvelouzTube
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 6

The Adventures of Wendy is an "animated" web series created by Marvelouz Delgado (known on YouTube as MarvelouzTube). It premiered on June 10, 2022.

Why It's Not Going to Wendy's

  1. The "animation" is not even animation at all, since it was made in KineMaster. It's also extremely bland, horrendous, cheap and lazily done.
    • The "animation" in the first three episodes is awful, as it's mostly still images of characters being on backgrounds, moving in weird and choppy ways, similar to those "intentionally bad" cartoons. On top of that, the characters' mouths are overlaid on their smile from the PNG assets, and eyebrows are added to the characters' faces when they're "sad", making it even more lazy than ever.
    • The "animation" in the next three episodes is slightly worse, due to it mostly being still images of characters drawn with the backgrounds, but at least the characters have actual expressions.
    • You can still see the KineMaster watermark on the top right of the screen in each episode, proving that MarvelouzTube was probably too lazy to remove the screen bug, or at least crop it out.
    • Sure, some shows exist to have terrible, or just mediocre animation whether it's 2D, 3D, or digitally. In fact, there are far too many shows and movies that were animated with an actual budget and were done by animators and studios that at least tried with the animation of their shows and films, despite little to no effort. Also, the controversial Palestinian children's television series, Tomorrow's Pioneers had some animated segments, when it's actually animation that the Palestinians tried with. Good thing it doesn't consist of images of characters with their mouths slapped on top of their PNG assets.
    • Granted, The Adventures of Wendy is a YouTube-exclusive series that was created by a YouTuber with no budget, but that doesn't excuse its horrible animation for the time period.
  2. The theme song is incredibly annoying and bland, with nonsensical lyrics. The singer which is obviously MarvelouzTube himself, doesn't even sound like he's trying. And worse, the audio is stolen from a McDonald's Pakistan commercial about Play-Doh figures of the McDonald's mascots.
  3. All of the character designs are plain, poor, cheesy-looking, weak, bland, and sometimes even ugly. Plus, many parts of their bodies look poorly drawn.
    • Golden Nugget looks nothing like a chicken nugget, looking more like a simple yellow oval with a red bow on her head.
    • Gang O Fries looks and feels like a ripoff to Fries from Battle for Dream Island, but without the same charm as the aforementioned character.
    • Many of the characters in this show look like rejected BFDI, Inanimate Insanity or Blue's Clues characters, especially the food characters.
  4. The characters themselves are all clichéd, and their personalities are just bad.
  5. The YouTube thumbnails for each episode are super lazy. It's just the exact same blue background with dark blue spots, with a character or two doing something, and the show's logo and a quote on the top.
  6. Despite being classified as a "preschool show", it hardly feels like one due to the lack of educational value, and the show's many flaws, which is just sad, because there are many other bad preschool shows that actually feel like shows that are for preschoolers, and at least they have some educational value (well, most of them anyways), unlike this show.
    • There's also many inappropriate moments here and there.
      • Just like Pucca, Teen Titans Go! and Big City Greens, the third episode "A Sticky Situation" features an extremely loud jumpscare consisting of the word "HAMBURGER" near the end, which can scare lots of children if they watch it.
      • One scene in the new intro has Hamburger eating a burger (his own kind), which is literally considered cannibalism, and it is incredibly disturbing and inappropriate for a kid's show.
  7. There's a highly lazily-made video on YouTube titled "The Adventures of Wendy: The Best 3 Episodes Ever! (Full DVD/VHS)". First of all, no DVDs exist of the show in real-life, second, VHSes were discontinued 17 years ago, third, the video's only 7 minutes long, and fourth, it's just the next three episodes of the show, but with opening logos slapped at the beginning.
  8. Obnoxious and incredibly annoying voice acting, especially for Gang O Fries.
    • It doesn't help that MarvelouzTube voiced every single character in the show, even the female characters. Which have high-pitched voices, due to the fact that the females are voiced by a male.
  9. The show has nonsensical plots in every episode, sometimes they rip-off episodes from other shows
  10. As with many of MarvelouzTube's shows, it often steals from other media without permission:
    • The Wendy's trademark, which MarvelouzTube used without permission from Wendy's.
    • One scene uses a stolen dramatic music cue from SpongeBob SquarePants.
    • At one point in the new intro, a brief "Doink!" sound from a PBS Kids ident is heard.
    • The fourth episode "Hamburger's Hooks" is a massive rip-off and rehash of "Hooky" from SpongeBob SquarePants. In fact, it's the exact same episode of SpongeBob, but with The Adventures of Wendy characters!
    • The fifth episode "Pull Up A Box" rips-off "The Power Cut" from Peppa Pig. And much like with the previous episode, it's a rehash of the aforementioned Peppa Pig episode, but with The Adventures of Wendy characters.
    • The aforementioned theme song stole the audio from a McDonald's Pakistan commercial.
  11. It has awful grammar, this is presumably due to MarvelouzTube (the creator of The Adventures of Wendy) being a child.
  12. During the credits, it claimed that Kathleen Kennedy produced the series, along with various celebrities voicing each character (which is not true, as MarvelouzTube made the show on a video editor, and Kennedy or the listed voice actors had no involvement with the show whatsoever).
  13. The logos for the so-called “production companies” of The Adventures of Wendy rip-off real-life logos for animation studios (ex. Right Joy-Con rips-off the Nelvana logo).

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Even if it's dated, the idea of a cartoon based on the mascots of a fast-food burger chain to promote the company hasn't been done in a long while since McDonald's created The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald. It feels quite interesting to see a show like this happen in the mid-2020s. The show might've worked if it had potential, which was wasted immediately by the show's aforementioned flaws.
  2. The backgrounds are okay, despite the characters being drawn with the backgrounds later on in the series.
  3. The theme song can still be catchy.

Full Episodes


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