The Cheating (Titeuf)

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The Cheating (Titeuf)
While they cheat, it's a very good and funny episode that should never be skipped.
Series: Titeuf
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 9
Air Date: 2001
Previous episode: "Ze t'aime"
Next episode: "Saving Vomito"

"Cheating" is the 9th episode from the season 1 of Titeuf.


A mathematics test is planned and we will need to provide cheat sheets. Everyone competes in originality and when the big fateful day arrives, it's disaster.

Why It's Cheat (In A Good Way)

  1. It had a lot of funny moments since the episode is about Titeuf and his friends wanting to cheat and it give a ton of hilarous moment, as expected from this show.
  2. Despite the characters wanting to cheat, they are still likable and after all, they just want to had a good grade for their test, which off course did fail.
  3. Good moral: Cheating is never a good thing, and you should not cheat because if you're caught, then you can had serious problems such as an F.
  4. The pacing is very great, especially the famous moment where everyone cheat and it had the most funny moments of not only the episode but also from the entire season 1 overall.
  5. The way that Titeuf and his friends construct their cheating techniques are very funny and unique, and in fact they aren't common in real life, such as when Titeuf did write the answers on Jean Claude shirt.
  6. Decent animation as always, as well as the voice acting.
  7. The choice of musics in this episode are very fitting as always, even better they are just as catchy and hilarous.

Bad Qualities

  1. Sometime, the characters unfortunately got caught because of their bad behavior, such as for Manu when he did freak's out Vomito, and the latter one got caught and punished, and after that Jean Claude got caught too because Vomita did try to get Jean Claude paper of aswers.
  2. Like a lot of episodes in this show, the ending doesn't end well, as they all got caught, and Titeuf once again got an F, and he even claim that he didn't cheated, and it end like that.
  3. There's still some animation errors founded as it is only the 9th episode of the show.



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