The Final Wreck-ening (Total Drama All-Stars)

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"The Final Wreck-ening"
Two badly derailed characters, now competing for $1,000,000 before saying goodbye to Camp Wawanakwa.
Series: Total Drama
Part of Season: 5a
Episode Number: Season: 13
Overall: 104
Air Date: December 3, 2013 (United States)
March 27, 2014 (Canada)
Previous episode: The Bold and the Booty-ful
Next episode: So, Uh This Is My Team? (Total Drama: Pahkitew Island)

"The Final Wreck-ening" is the 13th and final episode of Total Drama All-Stars.


Mike (who is under the control of Mal) and Zoey face each other on a mountain climb for the million. Eventually, Alejandro, Heather, Gwen, and Cameron come to aid them, then compete with them. Who will have the prize in their hands?

Why It Is the End of Camp Wawanakwa (or maybe)

  1. Chris has crossed the line in this episode, among the most unbearable things he did are:
    • Letting 8 contestants from this season (except for Alejandro, Heather, Gwen, and Cameron, who had been rescued by Mike and Zoey) float into the sun in balloons filled with farts, courtesy of Owen. His lawyers constantly call him out for it, but he ignores them.
    • He says the challenge will be brutal and hazardous enough to kill the final two in an exciting tone. Even Chef is disgusted by this ("People gonna die").
    • Allowed anyone to get the million just because he couldn't stand the kisses between Alejandro and Heather, Mike and Zoey, and Gwen and Cameron. Imagine that you're about to win a big competition and suddenly the organizers decide that anyone in the audience is allowed to get the prize as well!
    • Insulted Chef's skills with the meatball bazooka just because he missed Zoey.
  2. While Mike and Zoey's pairing does make sense after taking into account all the events that have occurred during the season, it can be hard to root for either of them given how flanderized they have become.
  3. Plot hole: Why did Chris allow Duncan back into the competition as a possible helper (though he does not appear on screen due to Chris' first action in WIITEOCW(OM) #1) after sending him to jail for blowing up his mansion in You Regatta Be Kidding Me?
  4. Owen filling the eliminated contestants' balloons with farts is arguably a step too far for the show's gross out humor. Owen's farts have been known to be very powerful (to the point that his team couldn't stay in their cabin in Phobia Factor), so putting those contestants in balloons filled with them is incredibly vulgar and could suffocate them.
    • This indicates that Owen has been flanderized again, particularly because what he did is similar to his actions towards the end of Total Drama Action, since he agreed to do something unethical towards the contestants in return for getting paid by Chris. It also proves that he did not learn his lesson from said season and made the same mistake again 3 seasons later.
    • Plot hole: On a side note, how did they manage to put the contestants in small balloons before blowing them up?
    • Speaking of Owen, the episode still has the audacity to try and show another pointless gag of Owen enjoying himself waterskiing on a boat ridden by Wawanakwa's fauna after the "island's" sinking at the end of the episode. This makes Wawanakwa's sinking feel like a minor problem.
  5. The decision to make Gwen and Cameron Zoey's helpers appears to also be a way to conclude the storyline Cameron's crush on Gwen, which, alongside Sierra's constant imagining of the former as Cody made Cameron feel like Cody 2.0 (as Cody also had a crush on Gwen). This was also a minor storyline in comparison to Gwen and Courtney's friendship storyline (which was left broken and unresolved after the infamous Sundae Muddy Sundae episode. It would have made much more sense for Gwen and Courtney to be Zoey's helpers in order to properly finish this major storyline instead.
  6. Parts of this episode are slightly reminiscent of The Siege of the North: Part 2 which was the season finale of Book 1: Water (the first season) of Avatar: The Last Airbender:
    • Both finales have a protagonist having a journey inside their mind (or in the Spirit World in Aang's case), though Aang's works in the context of the show, while it doesn't make sense that Chris would know what is going on inside Mike's head as Total Drama is a reality show.
    • Both have their major villain defeated in a debatably epic manner. However, while Zhao's makes sense given his relationship with Zuko and Iroh as well as his personality, Mal's does not because he is neither well-written nor decent and it all occurs in Mike's brain (see below for why Mal's defeat is not great).
    • Both end on a cliffhanger (The Siege of the North: Part 2 ends with Ozai offering Azula the task of capturing Aang, while The Final Wreck-ening ends with the news that the show will go on ASAP). But the latter cliffhanger is underwhelming because:
      • This season has been incredibly rushed and is arguably the worst season.
      • It is already made very clear by Chris that, despite being made close together, Pahkitew Island will have a completely different cast.
  7. Mike gets rid of Mal in an inexplicably, rushed manner using some kind of a force field. The other personalities (Chester, Svetlana, Vito, and Manitoba) were also erased via a reset button, even though they were the biggest qualities of Mike’s character. He did inherit their abilities in the process but without them, he is bland.
  8. Speaking of which, in addition to being anti-climactic, the way Mal is defeated is also very offensive as Mike cures himself with the literal push of a button.
  9. Fang being the penultimate obstacle for Mike and Zoey doesn't really make sense and is quite the cop-out. It would have made more sense for this to occur if Scott (who only appears in silhouette) was one of the finalists if anything.
  10. Because Chef had to use a fracking machine, Camp Wawanakwa sank to the bottom of the ocean. For those who grew up watching the show since its first season, this is downright depressing as Camp Wawanakwa was where the show began. However, the episode gets rid of the camp as if it were one of Chris' interns.
    • Plot hole: In Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Island, it was revealed by Courtney that Wawanakwa wasn't actually an island but was close to civilization the entire time (i.e. was a set made to look like an island, which itself doesn't make sense as characters have had to race on boats all around the island in No One Eggspects the Spanish Opposition). If Wawanakwa was indeed not an island, how could it sink?
  11. Even after supposedly becoming a better person without Mal in both endings, Mike still has the audacity to ask Zoey, Gwen and Cameron if they would like to compete again! This could hint at two very disturbing possibilities:
    • Mike has just been oblivious to almost all the damage he has caused under Mal's influence to the other contestants.
    • Through absorbing his personalities' distinct characteristics, he has also inherited Mal's apathy, despite having "destroyed" him with the reset button.
  12. Chris ignores Mike, Zoey, Alejandro, Heather, Gwen or Cameron as they float away on Wawanakwa's debris. Instead, he just decides to carry on and announce the next season! While this does make sense in the host making "the show go on", it also doubles down on Chris' sociopathy in how little he cares for the welfare of the contestants.
  13. What Mike or Zoey want to do with the money is never hinted at (like how we don't know what Duncan did or wanted to do with his money (for the countries where he was the winner in Total Drama Action)).
    • On that note, despite Mike and Zoey's pairing making sense, since they are both in a relationship, it can be inferred that they will split the money between each other, rendering their placements as finalists pointless.
  14. Since none of the contestants from Island - Revenge of the Island are ever seen or mentioned in Pahkitew Island, many plotlines for the eliminated contestants (for both helpers and the others who are inside the balloons) are left unresolved.
  15. Chris is left unpunished for all the things he did this season.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The animation and voice acting are still decent as usual.
  2. Pretty much everyone is likable, except Chris, Mike/Mal, and Zoey.
  3. While Gwen and Cameron being Zoey's helpers in order to finish the storyline in WIITEOCW(OM) #5 is bizarre, Alejandro and Heather being Mike's helpers is perfect, as Mike (through his alternate personality Mal) is the main villain in All-Stars and they are the two best villains in the Total Drama series (as well as being the finalists in World Tour.
  4. The kiss between Mike and Zoey is heartwarming.
  5. As offensive and anti-climactic as it was, considering that he got Mike sent to juvie and how many awful deeds he's committed throughout the season, it can be very cathartic and satisfying to watch Mal fade away.
  6. It has been announced that Camp Wawanakwa will somehow return in two new Total Drama seasons that HBO Max and Cartoon Network will be making, so its destruction in this episode will possibly be reversed and we may have a resolution to some of the unresolved storylines.


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