The Fourth Wall (Teen Titans Go!)

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The Fourth Wall (Teen Titans Go!)
The start of the trend where the TTG! writers laugh at us and spit in our faces.
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: 9
Air Date: October 20, 2015
Writer: Michael Jelenic & Aaron Horvath
Director: Peter Rida Michail
Previous episode: Accept the Next Proposition You Hear
Next episode: 40%, 40%, 20%

The Fourth Wall is the 9th episode of the 3rd season of Teen Titans Go!.


Control Freak informs the Titans that they are on a TV show he created and demands they earn him an award.

Why It Broke the Fourth Wall (in a bad way)

  1. Like many of their "hater episodes", this was made to spit in the eyes of the fans in the original, lashing back at the series' negative reviews it had, proving that the writers still cannot take any form of criticism.
  2. The Teen Titans acknowledge they’re a bad show and do stupid things to “improve”. These will be listed below.
  3. Beast Boy doing his “underpants dance” in front of the camera is inappropriate as he just strips down to his underwear and shakes his bottom in front of the camera.
  4. Control Freak claims the Teen Titans just make fart jokes but that’s not fully true, they also non toilet humor jokes that are not funny and like modern Family Guy black and shocking humor.
  5. The Titans start to improve themselves after this and it gets very weird and pathetic.
  6. The “high brow” humor is scene is not funny because of the pear joke.
  7. The acting scene is annoying and pointless because the Titans try to improve their acting by being Shakespeare, but they don’t have to be that, they just have to sound like real people.
  8. In addition to the insulting premise, the episode's overall plot is very poorly-written, confusing, and all over the place with numerous plot holes.
  9. Throughout the episode, the Titans change everything that made the show wrong but only make it worse. The first replace all the fart jokes and toilet humor with "smart people" comedy and "high brow" jokes, next their voices and performances are switched out for stereotypical British/Shakespearean voice acting and theatrical movements, and finally they order an offscreen animator to change the art style into one that resembles a modern Family Guy episode but with dark and muddy colors and stiffer animation.
  10. The “fart song” the Titans play to go back normal is disgusting.
  11. Horrible Ending: The Titans quickly find out they've fallen into Control Freak's scheme of rebooting themselves, so they repeatedly fart until they go back to normal. They soon proceed to break the fourth wall to stop Control Freak from rebooting them again.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The Titans watching the original Teen Titans show and admiring it was admittedly relatable.
  2. Starfire sounding like a man in the “improved” cartoon is hilarious.
  3. Control Freak still has a point of the Titans being annoying.



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