The Last Hope: Dead Zone Survival

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The Last Hope: Dead Zone Survival
This is the Last Hope, indeed
Protagonist(s): Brian Lee
Genre(s): Action
Survival horror
Third person shooter
Platform(s): Nintendo Switch
Release Date: June 30, 2023
Discontinuation: August 1, 2023
Developer(s): VG Games
Publisher(s): VG Games
Country: United States

The Last Hope: Dead Zone Survival is a survival game developed by VG Games for the Nintendo Switch. The game revolves around Brian Lee, a man who is sent to the future to investigate an inevitable zombie outbreak while accompanied by his daughter, Eva. The gameplay consists of killing zombies and collecting resources while exploring a city.


In this games, a zombie outbreak is predicted to occur in the near future, which will wipe out 95% of the world population, infect 4%, and leave 1% to survive. To investigate this, a man named Brian Lee is sent to the future and wakes up in a hospital ward. After leaving the hospital and going to a library, he meets a girl cowering in the corner named Eva, who assures Brian that she is not infected, though she says she needs medicine from the pharmacy and that her mother is dead. Shortly after the two meet, Eva reveals that she is Brian's daughter from the future. Throughout the course of the game, Brian escorts Eva across the city while killing zombies. After traversing through the city and defeating the undead, they board a boat and depart safely.

Why It's Hopeless

  1. The elephant in the room: The first half of the game is blatant rip-off of the first The Last of Us game, which was a PlayStation-only game that's later ported onto the PC. However, this time, you're playing as generic soldier named Brian Lee which like Joel Miller from The Last of Us, only here, Brian is absolutely joke in terms of character personality.
  2. The story is absolutely non-sensical; Brian is from the past that predicted that the zombie outbreak will be out in the near future and travels through time to the future for the said zombie outbreak? What is this? A time travel zombie game?
  3. Poor and Brain-dead AI.
  4. Awful graphics that looks like a N64/PS1 game rather than a Switch game.
    • Speaking of graphics, they have low quality textures.
    • What worse is that the game has performance issues.
  5. The game has plethora of bugs and glitches, such as broken blooming textures and crashes, the latter of which happens frequently and it basically makes the game unplayable.
  6. Asset flips: The assets the game has are obviously from the Unity store, which is why this game has simplistic models. For example: this game takes place in one of the cities in the United States, but the assets such as the hospital is from Europe.
  7. The gameplay is very boring and repetitive: You're doing this objective from point A to point B, and it doesn't help that after doing so, you'll be doing the horrible escort missions (see below).
  8. The escort mission missions are absolutely horrible. For instance, you're escorting Eva to safety, and many times, there's zombie coming at you and when they kill her, it's instant game over and you'll start all over again from scratch.
  9. The mini games are also frustrating. For example, there's key mini game, which is simple, but there's too many zombies and they're trying to kill you. And due to how horrible mini game is, you get instantly killed and game over. It's frustrating and definitely not fun.
    • To get the section, you need to kill all zombies to clear the section, but due to how limited ammo is, it making more frustrating.
  10. The combat of this game is absolutely abysmal, for instance, the Pistol was 3 hits, Machine gun was 4 hits, and Baseball Bat was 3 hits. If you count this, that's means you killed all zombies in total of 58 to kill all zombies.
  11. Poor grammars are all over the place.
  12. Plagiarism: The game has trailer which was rip-off to the The Last of Us trailer, and what's worse is that Eva looks absolutely like Ellie from that game. Even the menu screen is ripped off from The Division.
  13. The game has awful voice acting at the trailer, and this trailer is voiced by an AI tool.
    • The image of this game is also using AI tool, too.
  14. Speaking of sound effects, they're some of the worst sound effects in gaming history, like zombie sound effects.
  15. The game is short, even for the Switch games standard, clocking it over 1 hour long.
  16. Overall, this is a single low point for Nintendo's Switch eShop to the point where it became a cesspool of shovelware games, just like what happened with the Wii U and 3DS eShop and PlayStation Store.
    • And what's worse is that the trailer got a copyright takedown from Sony (and probably Naughty Dog, as well) and the game is now delisted due to how horrible the game and how blatant the game was.

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. The game can be hilarious sometimes in a so-bad-it's-good way.


The games was gave universally negative reception from critics and gamers alike, and this game is rip-off to The Last of Us. Critics citing this games has awful graphics, plethora bugs and glitches, repetitive gameplay, and horrible story. However, only a few months later, the game got delisted by Sony.



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