The Penis Chip (Titeuf)

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The Penis Chip (Titeuf)
One of the worst example of Toilet Humor in a Titeuf episode.
Series: Titeuf
Part of Season: 4
Episode Number: 47
Air Date: December 20, 2016
Writer: Sylvain Girault
Director: Denis Lina
Previous episode: Bad reputation
Next episode: The Great Plunge

The Penis Chip is the 47th episode of the season 4 of Titeuf.


Today, the classroom is buzzing: the children are busy making their Mother's Day gift. Titeuf is excited, he makes a jewelry box for his mother. He sticks stickers on a box of Camembert cheese when suddenly he has a pressing desire.

Why It Wet Itself

  1. The main problem with this episode is that it's had one of,if not the biggest, toilet humor ever seen in a Titeuf episode since we can see Titeuf peeing badly and it's even gone to him in one moment.
    • It's also made worse by the fact that we can see Titeuf peeing everywhere in a flashback, and there's a scene where he pees in all of the pools, making the people that saw him leave the place.
    • There is also another scene where we can see that Titeuf wake up and he see that his penis is cut, which is rather disgusting and cringle worthy.
  2. Titeuf friends in this episode are a bit unlikable at the beginning of the episode since Manu accidently said too loudly that Titeuf was peeing himself (which isn't really true) and all of the classmates heard that, and a bit later in the episode they made fun of Titeuf for what happened some times.
  3. There are a huge amount of cringle-worthy scenes in this episode, even by season 4 standards, such as a scene where we can see that Titeuf is completely wetting himself and his pee is almost everywhere. This might probably be one of, if not the most cringle-worthy, episodes of not only season 4 but the entire Titeuf franchise in general.
    • Also in that scene, we can even see that Titeuf once pee on his dad, which is extremely gross and disgusting.
  4. Even the title card is pretty bad, as it's rather poorly drawn, even by Titeuf season 4 standards.
  5. There are rather some disturbing moments in this episode, such as when Titeuf's hands and one of his ears get bigger and bigger or when he explodes with pee, in which the latter is both disturbing and absolutely disgusting.
  6. Bad moral: When Titeuf said that he will not drink water to stop peing, when in reality that doesn't work and some kids might try this to not pee, although this might not be an intentional moral.
    • Also, Hugo say that if Titeuf cry then he pee by his eyes, which off course isn't true and would be rather disgusting.
  7. There are also some inappropriate scenes in this episode, such as a scene where we can see Titeuf being almost naked in a kid show.
  8. Plot hole: How did some of the Titeuf friends cut their penis when Titeuf, at the end of the episode, is told that cutting penis doesn't exist and that, as a result, he hasn't cut his penis?
  9. The ending is really weird; we can see that both Titeuf and Manu look at a dog who is peeing, and Titeuf said that if he got a test about penis, then he would get a 10/10, in which that kind of test doesn't even exist.
  10. The title is very inappropriate for a kids show, as it says penis in the title.
  11. The soundtrack, as usual with season 4, is pretty bland and generic.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Titeuf is a likeable character; his friends are also likeable in the middle of the episode, where they stopped making fun of him.
  2. The animation isn't really bad, although it is still a massive downgrade from the first three seasons.
  3. The pacing isn't bad, although that doesn't change the fact that the episode is bad.



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