The Sweet Spot (The Loud House)

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The Sweet Spot
All this over one....simple seat in the van.
Series: The Loud House
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 4a
Air Date: May 6, 2016
Writer: Kevin Sullivan
Director: Chris Savino
Previous episode: No Guts, No Glori
Next episode: A Tale of Two Tables

The Sweet Spot is an episode from the first season of The Loud House.


Lincoln and his family fight over a spot in Vanzilla that's claimed to be the best seat.

Why It Had to Sit on the Springy Seat

  1. For starters, this episode is infamous due to Lincoln and his sisters fighting over one simple seat in the van, nevertheless, the fight scene that ended up destroying the van itself, which will be explained below.
  2. This is also an 11-minute torture episode for Lincoln as he suffers many mishaps while on the road trip, which will also be explained below.
  3. Just because Lincoln got tortured doesn't mean he's likable either. He wanted so badly to get the sweet spot in the van, so he tricked his sisters into trading seats with him. In fact, his ego is what caused his sisters to get angry with him.
  4. The sisters (except Lily) are no better and are at their absolute worst as became very mean-spirited to Lincoln and even tried to beat him up in the van. But before that, according to Lincoln, they bugged him while they were on the road such as:
    • Lola gets into a fight with Lana all because she kept staring at her, which ended with Lincoln getting beaten up in the middle of their fight.
    • Speaking of Lana, she shoots a pea at Lincoln while he was asleep, and when he asked her to stop, she threw one that got into his mouth, resulting in him choking and falling off his seat squeezing his neck!
    • Lynn Jr. plays a game with Lincoln where she punches him everytime she sees a car, and when a ton of cars come passing by, she starts rapidly punching him.
    • Luan hit Lincoln in the face with a pillow while he was reading his comic. Causing him to get flattened and stunned.
    • Lori gets carsick and throws up on Lincoln and shares it with Bobby, which is gross.
  5. Some animation errors such as:
    • When the time reached 7:00, Lucy does not appear, but when the van is destroyed, she mysteriously appears.
    • When Rita is yelling at the kids about the van, it is believed her and Lynn Sr.'s room is upstairs, but the room they are in after Vanzilla is destroyed is Lori and Leni's romm, when their room is right next to the living room.
    • When Lana shoots a pea into Lincoln's mouth, he falls out of his seat, even though he is restrained by his seatbelt. Did the seatbelt fall with him?
  6. The infamous scene where Lincoln, along with his sisters fight over the sweet spot which ended up with Vanzilla being destroyed.
  7. Bad ending: When Rita cancels the trip and punishes the kids by having them sit together on the couch, Lincoln reveals to the viewer about the best seat on the couch and tries to get there first, meaning he did not learn his lesson.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Leni, Luna, Lucy and Lisa are the only ones who didn't torture Lincoln on their trip.
  2. Clyde, Lily, and The Loud Parents are the only likable characters.
  3. Some funny moments such as Clyde not knowing about Lincoln's codename and Lincoln trying to keep himself awake until when it reaches 7:00.


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