The Ultimate Revenge of the Troublemakers

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The Ultimate Revenge of the Troublemakers
The Ultimate Revenge of the Troublemakers.jpg

"You wretched fools. This is your last chance. Try to stop me, or die!"

Ethan Johnson
Genre: Action
Directed By: SlashcraftGaming
Distributed By: YouTube
Release Date: December 9, 2019
Runtime: 14:09
Language: English

The Ultimate Revenge of the Troublemakers is a 2019 short film by SlashcraftGaming (DatCoolRedstoneGuy Est. 2004 at the time). It was released on December 9, 2019.

Initially intended to be a promising movie, The Ultimate Revenge of the Troublemakers failed to live up to expectations upon its release. The disappointment stemmed from its same formula and coherence in the storytelling, leaving some audiences feeling unsatisfied and unimpressed.

Why It’s Not an Ultimate Revenge

  1. To get the cat out of the bag, this movie is rushed all because of COPPA. Even worse, Redstone didn’t even try to make any scene in that movie good. Instead, he made it all a soulless version of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. This makes this movie feel more like a downgraded and unfinished Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba episode rather than an actual movie.
  2. This so-called "film" is heavily unfaithful to all of Redstone's content; yes, this also includes some of his grounded videos made back in 2018 before his old account closed down on November 2020.
  3. Amazing or not, it overuses the exact same character as the main protagonist all over again, and barely gives anyone else enough screen time. And this would be a lot more forgiving if it wasn’t an IRL person.
  4. It's not even a movie; instead, it's just a generic 14-minute long, bad taste Teen Titans Go! wannabe movie with no real build up or even epic scenes, and it's more of just boring fight scenes that drag on for too long. To make matters worse, this was falsely advertised as a full length feature movie before it even released.
    • What’s also ironic about this is that Slashcraft himself hates Teen Titans Go himself, but the fact that this film unintentionally turned out to be his own version of said show further solidifies the hypocrisy.
  5. The scene where Rex Dasher sends Queen Barb to destroy Rex Dangervest, while the only decent scene in this whole short, not only does it tend to have some issues, but it also aged very poorly. Before Rex Dasher sends Queen Barb to attack Rex Dangervest, Rex Dangervest basically grounded Rex Dasher until Raya and the Last Dragon came out, just for sneaking up on him, which is highly unfair, considering that this movie was originally premiered on December 9, 2019, and it ended up taking until March 5, 2021 for Raya and the Last Dragon to release due to COVID-19. If anything, Rex Dasher could have gotten a warning instead, and if it happened again, he could have been grounded for at least a month or five like how Miles Morales ended up getting grounded in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.
    • The fact that this was also released before the COVID-19 pandemic took over society hurts this scene even more.
    • Because of this, this scene ends up heavily mistimed, and as a result, ends too early.
  6. The main protagonist of this movie, Zoe Bartosz, while she IS a kind person in real life, not only is her appearance in this movie generic, bland, cheesy, unneeded, and downright unnecessary, but she is also INSANELY out of character here, considering that she literally pushed the other protagonists away so that she can fight Ethan Johnson alone, and what she didn't know is that she easily could have gotten herself killed. In other words, flanderization. Well done, Redstone. Well done.
    • Executive meddling: She wasn’t originally gonna be the main protagonist of the movie.
    • Not helping matters is that she was way too powerless to even get close to Ethan Johnson. Whatever happened to "Nobody was able to defeat Ethan Johnson alive?"
  7. Misleading title: This was formerly called “The Final Showdown”, but it wasn’t ACTUALLY the final showdown as there are PLENTY more content from him coming our way, including The Video Game Corruption Chaos: A Super Mario Bros. Movie, which to this day, is still currently in development hell.
  8. The scene where the good guys fight Ethan is the lamest and possibly the most anti-climactic scene in any short film so far as only one character actually fights him, and the whole scene feels like the Anakin vs Obi-Wan Kenobi fight scene in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, while also somehow lacking the charm that said scene had, which is extremely pathetic for a main antagonist of an entire channel. Not to mention, Ethan was supposed to be the most threatening character in the Redstone franchise, and yet, this is what he gets?
  9. It’s one of those generic “Evil Never Wins” cliches, which is pretty much getting extremely tiring at this point.
  10. Everyone in this movie has been watered down to bland, unlikable, and forgettable stereotypes that serve no real purpose whatsoever; yes, this also includes the only likable characters here. That’s right. Nobody in this film even impacts the film one bit. You can take them out, and replace them with different characters, and barely anything about it would change.
    • For example, Rex Dangervest has gone from some cool master breaker who is also Emmet Brickowski from the future to a rather lame nothing who barely does anything.
    • All the villains have gone from being threatening to rather lazy, lackluster, and very generic butt-monkeys who never win, and this is a major problem that many other films are guilty of.
    • As mentioned in WINAUR#5, not even the main protagonist of this movie herself is safe from flanderization, which makes absolutely no sense, considering that Zoe was Slashcraft’s IRL childhood friend ever since he met her back in 8th grade.
      • On top of Zoe being flanderized in this film, especially compared to her real life self, this also feels like a massive waste of potential in many ways. It would have been a lot more interesting if the film took the concept from most teen movies and merged them with the concept from Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, that way, it would have created a much more interesting plot. It would have made so much more sense than what we got right now.
    • This movie even had the gall to add in Peluchin Entertainment, and believe it or not, he was already a terrible villain from the get-go as if he wasn't already bad enough, he not only tortured and murdered cats, but in this movie, he once even tried to murder humans, and it almost got Mario, Madison Jones, along with the other protagonists killed. Although one could argue that this one is sort of an accurate portrayal of Peluchin Entertainment in real life, due to him being a sickeningly awful person to begin with.
  11. Ethan’s backstory is never really explained properly, and kind of comes off as a complete bullshit excuse to use technology for evil. This proves that Redstone tries way too hard to make the villains of his channel unlikable, but fails miserably.
  12. To make matters worse, Redstone randomly slapped in the “Sorry it ended up being a short film” excuse at the end of the movie just to avoid having it get hate.
  13. In its predecessor, Zoe literally sacrificed her life to send Freddy back home with a bomb, and yet in this film, she’s apparently alive, and kidnapped by Hellen Gravely.
    • Due to this, this can also be seen by many as an out of place Disney Death.
    • On top of that, the fight scene between Zoe Bartosz and Hellen Gravely (the latter first appeared in Luigi's Mansion 3 prior to this film) is incredibly hit or miss. The concept of the damsel in distress fighting against the kidnapper is a great idea, and it has worked before in several media like Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, but the way it is handled here is very poor in terms of execution.
  14. Trevor Goodman’s redemption was really random, unoriginal, and VERY forced, compared to the other villains’ redemptions from ANY other movie, and it is never really explained why he ended up redeeming himself in the first place, not even through a scene either due to the rushed development of the movie, which gives fans the illusion that Trevor Goodman’s redemption was fake the whole time.
    • Not only that, but this can also be considered a rushed and wasted character development, since this redemption happens immediately, with no real emotional scene. Not even a confrontation was enough, therefore, proving even more that this film was basically just rushed.
  15. The scene where The Terminator goes back in time to stop Killian from destroying the AMC Theaters is really questionable because there is no real explanation for why the so-called “protagonists” who saw Arctic Dogs in theaters were actually Ethan’s robots disguised as the good guys just to give Killian an advantage, and somehow the Terminator destroys the theater instead, leaving an even bigger plot hole, and especially contradicting what the Terminator went back in time to prevent from happening in the first place.
    • This is also exactly why you should never willingly waste your money away on poorly animated movies like Arctic Dogs, especially considering how bad it turned out.
  16. Ethan gets pushed in the lava and somehow doesn’t die, for some reason.
  17. The trailer for this movie was misleading because most characters who appear in the trailer never appear in the actual movie, likely due to the rushed development of the movie overall
  18. The trailer said that this was going to release on December 6th, when it actually premiered on December 9th without even a single explanation for the short delay. Missed opportunity for a person who puts effort in his content. Hell, even the main protagonist of this movie herself was completely confused about the release date.
    • It should also go to absolutely nobody’s surprise that this movie should have been delayed until, at the very least, September 2020, this way it could have benefited a longer development time, along with a much better film overall
  19. Very cheesy and nonsensical dialogue, such as:
    1. "You wretched fools. This is your last chance. Try to stop me, or die"
    2. The Terminator's line "Mark my words. It's judgement day, baby. Hasta la Vista."
      • This was partially stolen from ERB's "Terminator vs Robocop."
    3. The infamous "You think you’re smart enough to do whatever you want? Then you’re purely mistaken. And it will cost you your life.". (not helping matters is that this quote was partially stolen from Minecraft: Story Mode)
  20. There are a ton of plot holes throughout the whole movie for no good reason, such as the Terminator blowing up the theater after he went back in time to stop Killian from doing the exact same thing, and Ethan not dying as he fell in the lava.
  21. Some of the villains in this movie are just killed right away and they don't even fight the good guys. How anti-climactic.
  22. Absolutely no real connection with Slash's other videos prior to this one whatsoever, along with some of the events of some of the videos being retconned in the process.
    • If anything, this is not a good continuation of the other videos he made prior to this very film.
  23. Ultimate WTF moment: There is a scene where Zoe literally RISKS her own life to jump off the edge of a bridge leading to Ethan's lair and still lives, which makes no sense, because people died falling off that hot bridge.
  24. The executive meddling is cranked up to eleven. Redstone got so worried that making anybody the main protagonist would end up destroying the former production, so he decided to tear what WAS gonna be the main protagonist into pieces by refusing to create him, and therefore, replacing the main protagonist with his own childhood friend from his school and decided to make the rest of the characters and people in the movie forgettable and generic characters who only appear for a few minutes and never get any of the spotlight anymore, making this look a lot more like a Zoe Bartosz movie rather than a real movie with a real story, if anything.
  25. This movie had the nerve to end on a huge cliffhanger. This turns the fans away from even remembering the main antagonist himself.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The scene where Rex Dasher sends Queen Barb to destroy Rex Dangervest is probably the only decent scene in this whole short, despite the "grounded" part of that scene.
  2. Mario, Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker (despite Mario and Joker being less likable than they were in their original franchises), Freddy, and Ethan Johnson (despite having a generic backstory) are somehow the only likable characters in this whole short film.
  3. At least the former thumbnails of this short have some effort, but this does not excuse the horrible quality of this short film nonetheless.
  4. Some of the unlikable characters in this video have been either improved in future content, or temporarily removed from Redstone's content.
    • This could also be a speculation that some of them could also end up getting killed off in future content.
  5. The first thumbnail of the short, while not great, was okay.
  6. Despite the music being stolen, it is still good.
  7. The music for the trailer of this short is also good, despite being stolen from the first Black Widow trailer.
  8. Despite how flanderized all the characters in this video are, at least it did not make him go downhill as a whole.
  9. If Redstone took much longer to work on this without putting it in development hell, it could have turned out a much better way to end a short saga, although it still would have likely been considered average.
  10. Without Ethan Johnson, the main antagonist would have been a generic Megward the Wizard who gets mistreated by the protagonists in an abusive way, and this video would have turned out just like the SpongeBob SquarePants episode One Coarse Meal.
  11. At least Slashcraft would learn from his mistakes after this film, as The Video Game Corruption Chaos: A Super Mario Bros. Movie was confirmed to release on YouTube, although it’s still in development hell as of right now
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