Train Madness (Titeuf)

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Train Madness (Titeuf)
It sure is a madness.
Series: Titeuf
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 21
Air Date: 2001
Previous episode: "SOS Rabbit"
Next episode: "Snowball"

"Train Madness" ("Train D'enfer" in French) is the 21th episode from the season 1 of Titeuf.


On the train which is to take the students to snow class, the teacher designates the seats; Titeuf has a plan to end up in the girls' compartment; unfortunately, everything does not go as he had planned.

Bad Qualities

  1. This episode is a perfect exemple of wasted potential for a great episode, since instead of being an episode with Titeuf and his friends amusing themself in the train, it rather show Titeuf getting constantly tortured for no reasons, and it definitely show.
  2. It is a big torture episode for Titeuf and also Vomito because they are forced to be with the unknow peoples that are very gross and had horrible manner, at such this episode can almost be unwatchable because of this.
  3. A ton of characters are very unlikable in this episode, in fact almost no one is likable aside from Titeuf and Vomito.
    • The mistress is once again an annoying character, forcing Titeuf to go with the unknow persons that doesn't look kind at all, and it will later show.
    • François, instead of letting Titeuf enter to his chamber, he close the door even before Titeuf could talk to him, which is surprising because he's rarely unlikable in the entire show at all.
    • The girls once again reject Titeuf just because the mistress do said that Titeuf had not enough mustaches to enter to the girls room, even Natalie laugh at him, which is extremely mean-spirited.
  4. While still passable, the animation is rather stiff and didn't aged well.
  5. For some reasons, Titeuf best friends, Manu and Hugo, doesn't appear a lot in this episode and are rarely seen, which is extremely weird even if Titeuf was supposed to be with Vomito instead.
  6. Plot Holes:
    • How does Titeuf does not know that the girls compartment could not be acceded for the boys, especially that it is quite obvious.
    • Why does Manu does not tell that Titeuf plan will not work, especially that because of the persons that goes in the train he would not getting a good moment at all, which could have avoided this episode events.
  7. The amount of gross out humors in this episode is much worse than usual, especially that almost the entire episode had gross out humor, such as when the old peoples had foods that smell horribly, Titeuf having spinash on his head and the scene where we see Vomito vomit, howewer it is show at the end of hid vomit so at least we didn't seen him vomiting at 100%.
  8. The episode is very mean-spirited in a horrible way, since not only does Titeuf got constantly rejected by everyone but also some of the dialogues are also mean such as when Titeuf did tell that the mistress was not a girl because she had mustache, howewer this was true and it can still be a very funny moment, especially compared to the other humors moments where it is gross.
  9. The unnamed persons that are in this episodes are also very unlikable and they had a very ugly design, especially the baby, who look gross and not well designed, and almost look like a reject of a character from The Loud House (although that show had aired 15 years later).
    • They are also incredibly gross to the point that not even Titeuf or the other boys would goes this far in term of gross out humor, because here they eat foods that had an extremely horrible smell which make Titeuf completely sick and can't even rest in the chamber.
    • The woman when Titeuf try to tell them that they make too much noise, the woman scold him for awake the baby and she didn't let him speak and didn't listened him, which just prove that she short tempered and not a great woman at all.
    • The worst part about this is that the man who seen Titeuf being full of spinash on his head, he fired Titeuf from the chamber, not only that but it is way too severe and he could have just telling him to cleaning his head or even ignoring that.
  10. The pacing is very slow and thus it is very hard to sit though this episode, and will almost make you not wanting to see this episode, this is because it mostly focus on Titeuf try to find another room with other friends, and this episode fail to make this interesting.
  11. Horrible Ending: Titeuf wake up way too late and the train did continue, which mean that the other classmates will need to wait a lot of times and Titeuf is once again tortured.

Good Qualities

  1. Titeuf and Vomito are the only truly likable character, especially Titeuf who got completely tortured for absolutely no reasons, and you can feel bad for Titeuf since he had to go through a lot of torture in this episode.
  2. The animation, despite a few problems, is still passable.
  3. The concept wasn't bad and could have worked if it was not this mean-spirited or even that slow.


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